Save Cowes Primary School from closure



I’m signing this petition to show my support to keeping Cowes Primary School open

Craig Gillam (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


My two children go to Cowes Primary School and they both absolutely love this school, it would be so devastating for the school to close as it is such a community of people.

Emily Chiverton (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


I have a daughter in this school and I have seen her shine and grow every year. The school is outstanding and closing it would be heartbreaking for present and future children of cowes and all the amazing staff

Laura Gibbs (Isle of wight, 2024-09-05)


My son is at Cowes Primary

Gemma Hanson (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


My son has just started year 1. This is an amazing school and he has thrived since being there . To close Cowes primary school would be devastating and the wrong decision !

Josie Gillam (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


My son absolutely adores this school and I believe will really thrive here compared to his other school options

Mizzie Rowberry (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


Cowes Primary School has results above national average and can house another school in the area. Two other schools in the area are underperforming but can’t be closed because they’re academies. Our children’s education should be put at the top of the list, however the IoW council have failed them. The closure shouldn’t be decided upon because it is the smaller of two schools in the area that isn’t an academy. Look at the results. Look at the Ofsted rating. Look at the staff turn over. Look at the environment and the atmosphere.

Closure of our school will put a massive pressure on Gurnard Primary School. Mobile classrooms will have to be set up for the increase in numbers, as Gurnard is already at full capacity. We have a wonderful building, with space for others to join us.

I have worked at 2 schools on the mainland and several schools on the Isle of Wight and Cowes Primary is one of the best - I wouldn’t have sent my daughter there if I didn’t believe this to be true. It has top end, supportive staff and an amazing school community. My daughter has never been happier. I have never been happier. It’s an honour to be a part of such a wonderful staff team and community.

Clare Sztypuljak (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


I grew up on the Island, I have family there and my best friend is a teacher that is passionate about her job, the children she teaches and the Cowes Community.

Kelly Barker (Chester, 2024-09-05)


It’s a fantastic community school with great results staff and children.
This school should not close when substandard schools are not just because they are Academies.

Julian M. Thomas (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


This is not in the best interest for Cowes children and their education. Closing a school that's achieving above the national and local average, in order to keep open failing academies. It makes no sense and certainly doesn't have the children's best interest at the heart of the decision making.

Elena Pickard (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


This school is literally the best performing school on the isle of wight for sats results, yet the council want to close it to improve test results on the island. I do not believe the local infrastructure can withstand the closure of this excellent and award-winning school.

Robin Wilson (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


Cowes is an amazing school with a higher level of achievement than others in the local area, in fact achieving the highest in KS2 SATs result this year. Numbers have only dwindled there since being named as a school closure previously, hence parents choosing to move their children despite this closure being retracted. It is in the heart of the community with the possibility of ‘cradle to career’ with the links with ormiston academy. The school was clearly lied to when council bacon stated that all schools were in the pot, academies were not exempt from closure. This was stated very clearly in meetings with staff. Cowes is only in deficit because of the low numbers and has a very resilient and resourceful staff. It was also stated that temporary classrooms would not be needed. Yet another lie! Pupil’s education and learning will further fail with the disruption of moving to a school with temporary classes- not ideal in any circumstances. Why close a consistently rated good school when others have and still require improvement? Pupils from other schools could easily move into the Cowes primary building with no need for extra temporary classrooms. If all pupils moved to Gurnard, there would then be over 500 pupils. A huge school, not conducive for the best learning for children, but probably cheaper for the council!

Becky Bevan (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


Closing a successful and well performing school when the Island lacks good schools isn't a good choice.

Debbie Wilson (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


Care for the staff and the children.

Sam Stanton (Bembridge, 2024-09-05)


I support Cowes Primary school

Lucy Killman (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


I don't believe the right school is closing. Cowes has been rated Good in its ofsted, it's the 2nd in the ratings for results. Northwood is red for the past 4 years as is Lanesend. The data that has been used regarding the schools intake this year is unfair. Last academic year scaremongering led to many parents removing their children as people were told it was closing. This is also why parents didn't choose it this year for their child as they didn't want the upheaval of their child moving schools. This meant that Cowes looks like a school that is waning in popularity but this is the council's doing. I know many parents thay were planning on moving their child to Cowes of it wasn't part of the announcement. It is a school with an outstanding sense of community and holds so many events that other primaries in cowes do not do such as International day and the Horticultural show. People have chosen Cowes primary due to its diverse population and these are some of the reasons of why it should be protected.

Claire Howarth (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


Cowes Primary is more than a school. It is a community. Despite being named as a school that was closing previously, and the impact this has had on pupil numbers, our amazing teachers, teaching assistants and staff have turned up everyday to provide an outstanding level of education. This school is different and proud to be so! It has chickens and poly-tunnels and a Horticultural Show! We celebrate achievements on a wall and have an International Day to learn about our families' cultures. Grandparents get invited to lunch (which by the way is cooked by the kitchen team using local and often school-grown ingredients). It also has a breakfast, after school and holiday club (do the others?!). The result of this is excellent results and more importantly, really well-rounded children who care about each other, are excited about learning and to see what their next adventure will look like. There is obviously no comparison between Gurnard and Cowes. If they are the two options on the table our lovely school will close, no one is going to try to say otherwise! The question remains for me why the schools with worse results and worse Ofsted are being kept safe when this is not what is in the best interest for any of our children. I'm looking forward to having this conversation with council members as part of the consultation!

Kathryn Arnold (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


Im supporting cowes primary. Its not fair to close this school which is performing really well

Deslin Davis (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


I'm signing this petition to support cowes primary school. My daughter studying in cowes primary and I can say that she is so happy there. Also she learned a lot from there. Now she is confident in speaking ,writing and reading. All through her transition the school support her a lot. The individual attention that they are giving is amazing. It's so sad to hear the closure of such an amazing school. I can say it's a wrong decision to close such a wonderful school.

Treesa Alexander (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


I hate the council

Vincentas Vicas (East Cowes, 2024-09-05)


We chose Cowes primary school for oir son due to its a school that achives good results. We had good feedback from other parents how caring and supportive the teachers are in the childrens development and safety. It would be a huge loss to the children and the community. Why are the schools that are under achieving not being closed down

Jon Lowden (Cowrs, 2024-09-05)


This school is needed!! A lot of these children are in there final year here, there’s not enough room in other local schools especially children from other other countries have been accepted here so child numbers are well up!!

Lou Voller (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


My little boy attends this school, he is in year two currently , the school have been amazing for him and have helped him a lot with confidence and just helping him understand
I would be so sad to see him have to start over again at a new school

Amy Williams (Newport, 2024-09-06)


Cowes Primary is rated a 'Good' school, test results are also better than two other local schools who have not been selected to close.The children are happy, safe and the school staff genuinely care about the children and their families. If the IW Council really have the children's best interests at heart, Cowes Primary should not close.

Jane Gilbraith (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


This is an outstanding school. It is wrong to close it over 2 academies which are not attaining good results

Gemma Gerrard (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


Education is vitality important for children

Anna Field (New Malden, 2024-09-06)


All my children went to cowes primary and I would love for it to stay open

Hall Claire (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


My nephew goes here and loves it. Please do not shut this excellent and much loved primary school.

Tiffany Grevatt (Shanklin, 2024-09-06)


The school is a fundamental part of the community, supporting its surrounding children and families.

Charlotte Milburn (Southampton, 2024-09-06)


My child attends this school

Andrew Rick (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


To show my support for this friendly, well run and high achieving community school. Closing Cowes Primary School and so pushing pupils into drastically lower achieving ones hardly seems to be putting child education standards at the forefront of this decision making process.

Phil Gilbraith (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I taught there for 10 years and know what an excellent school it is.
It will be so sad for the community to see the school go.

Cheryl Hedley (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


This school is excellent and ranks 2nd in the best performing schools in the area. It has a diverse attendance and engages with the parents more than the other schools.

Stephen Hargreaves (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Failing academy schools will remain open. Where is the sense in that?

Andy Flood (COWES, Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


Cowes county is an amazing school. All pupils are valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. Why would a school that has been rated good by ofsted and achieved such good says results be closed? It doesn’t make sense.

Anna Hargreaves (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Cowes is a beautiful purpose built school in the heart of the community. It's closure would be really damaging for the families of Cowes.

Alice Allen (Bristol, 2024-09-06)


I'm signing because I have close family members attending this school, it is the most consistent in attaining, and surpassing, the education standards achieving GOOD with Ofsted. Regularly achieving high scores and SAT results. Do not close an above standard school to keep a below or just meeting school open.

Kay Spreadbury (Faringdon, 2024-09-06)


I’m the parent of 3 children who this will have an effect on.

James Bird (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Because my nephew attends and thrives at this school. As I child with food allergies I also know that the fresh and safely prepared food at this school is of particular importance and other schools in the area do not have this

Laurie Scott (Letchworth, 2024-09-06)


My grandchild attends this school, she’s very happy and we would love for her sister and brother to be fortunate enough to attend such a wonderful school.

Helen Waygood (Salisbury, 2024-09-06)


It's a great school that needs to be kept open.

Debbie Whelan (East Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Supporting cowes primary school

Calum George (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I have first hand experience of what an excellent school Cowes Primary is. My granddaughter is in Year1 and loves to come to school! The staff are brilliant and treat each child as an individual meeting their needs as required. The school’s academic record is first class too. I feel the council needs to recognise this and allow Cowes Primary to continue doing what it does so well- educating our children and helping them to grow up into responsible adults.

Patricia Sztypuljak (VENTNOR, 2024-09-06)


I grew up from this primary school, and so did my sister before me. I love it so much that I volunteered last year as a teaching assistant with the year 2s and I loved it even more. I’d hate to see the school shut after all these years

Izzy Pearson (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


Fantastic school, caring and amazing staff, I have had 3 grandchildren go through the school and have all done well, not forgetting it has a good ofsted mark, and sats for 2024, please please don’t close, I know from having helped in the school how great it is.

Rose Macneill (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Gurnard primary is already full. More children would impact the education on those there. It will impact local roads and saftey around parking etc.

Emma Fairhurst (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


It is a totally crack pot idea to close a well respected, little local school that is doing such a good job.

Lou Waldegrave (Cowes, Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


I'm signing this because my grandson attends Cowes primary and it's been such a success. He loves it especially as he went from the nursery to the primary school, with his friends giving him stability and consistency. The staff have been amazing and the school is performing very well. Just because the school is not an academy, which is just as well as most don't perform well,why should it be targeted. School classrooms are too full in most schools allowing children to slip through the academic gap and education is failing them. Closing this primary school will also add to the children and staffs mental health struggles, which is very much a major issue both locally and nationally, costing the economy more.

Anita Lynne Hartman (Andover, 2024-09-06)


This is a good school and the closure will put more vehicles onto the roads as the replacement school is so far away. It will also split siblings as older ones will have to go further for their schooling.

Keith Harding (Andover, 2024-09-06)


this was my old primary school and I don’t wanna see it go :(

Ellie Fuller (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I’m signing because this school is incredibly important to a lot of people and it will be an absolute tragedy to lose such a brilliant school! Our kids deserve better from the council that’s in place help our children build on their education… not take it away.

Ewan Castle (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I'm signing because Cowes Primary school is a fantastic school and mature school. It takes time for a school to establish the good traditions and a sense of self that leads to excellent educational outcomes. A short sighted financially driven closure is not the right way to ensure positive outcomes for our children.

Dominic Afonso (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


It is a wonderful school with proven better results than the others!!

Bradley Roe (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


My mum works there

Joel Bunce (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


This school is at the heart of the community and provides a quality education and emotional stability to its pupils. The staff are incredibly dedicated and this school should not close when others in the locality remain open with lower outcomes and poorer Ofsted grading! It is morally wrong to move these children to temporary classrooms in what will become an over crowded school.

Kirsty Thomas (Isle of wight, 2024-09-06)


My children attended the school for their primary education. Both children went on to university education, one at Masters level and that's because of a solid and excellent start to their educational lives.
I, myself, worked at Cowes Primary School for 8 years plus 2 extra voluntary years so I know first hand how much the staff at this school value their pupils education. The figures this school produces every year is an obvious reflection of how valuable a part of the community it is and to the future of the Isle of Wight. This is absolutely 100% the wrong school to close.

Elaine Ashdown (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


This would be a travesty for the local community. How can 2 schools with lesser results not be accountable based on Academy Status - this is not putting our children first!

Karen Slater (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


This is the most amazing school. The staff are fantastic to each and every child. Good ofsted rating for many years, the children are taught extremely well. My children all went to this school and have all achieved and flourished. Please don’t shut this school it will be devastating for Cowes.

Julia Brenchley (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Im only the cleaner there but I love it there I’ve been there 16yrs and it makes my day when I go there its a lovely school and it a pleasure being there teachers are lovely

Annette Chapman (Worsley rd, 2024-09-06)


I do not understand why you are closing Cowes best primary school, as measured by school results comparisons.

Tony Sztypuljak (Ventnor, 2024-09-06)


Cowes primary is an amazing school with dedicated caring teachers. It will be such a loss to the community. My son had thrived during his time here.

Hannah Burr (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Closing Cowes Primary School would have a severe negative affect on the local community and quality of education for island children.

Zoe Randall (Cowes, 2024-09-06)