Build an upgraded, modern, aquatic facility on the Kilsyth Centenary Pool site in VIC.



We must rebuild with an updated infrastructure for efficiency of use of solar and power saving devices

Kelvin Blair (Kilsyth, 2023-11-21)


The Urban areas of Yarra Ranges need a new pool and the services are all available on the existing site at Kilsyth . All children should have access to a local pool to learn to swim.

Shelley Large (Kilsyth, 2023-11-21)


I f
Have been a regular (3-4 times/ week. Closure of this facility is a major loss of aquatic education, physical and social development and recreation to the community.

Gayle Dalvean (Ringwood, 2023-11-21)


There is no option for an Aqua facility in the densely populated Urban area of Yarra Ranges in the Council's 10 year plan. The only Aqua facility in their long term planning is for Lilydale in approximately 10 years and they have yet to even purchase land, and the present cost estimate is $80-90 million ! Our proposal could be up and running within 3-4 years at a fraction of that cost. There is no doubt that the Urban area will require both facilities into the future.

Chris Dowling (Montrose, 2023-11-21)


I have been going to aqua aerobics at the Kisyth pool for over fifteen years. The Kisyth pool is the most accessible pool to me and I would like to see it reopen to continue my exercises.

Pat Colverd (Kisyth, 2023-11-22)


I grew up with that pool and would hate to see it go for future generations. Ringwood and croydon are too far for many people as well

Adrienne Ruddock (Lilydale, 2023-11-22)


This facility needs to remain open.for YR residents. It's had minimal funding spent on it..time to put money in and keep it as a functional facility.

Sam Whitehead (Kilsyth , 2023-11-22)


We need a local pool. Makes sense

Iz Petersen (Kilsyth, 2023-11-22)


I'm signing because kilsyth pools been part of my life since birth I hate to see the next generation miss out on having a local swimming pool

Sherilyn Carter (Kilsyth , 2023-11-22)


Kilsyth needs to keep the swimming pool. The foundations are there so we need to fix it instead of removing the pool complex

Mel Smith (Kilsyth , 2023-11-22)


For 20 years I have been a regular user of the Hawthory Road pool.It has played a vital role in the maintenance of both my physical and mental health and as a Senior I am only too well aware that the Shire in which I have paid rates since 1967 provides no other viable options for people in my age group.

Moira Hughes (Mooroolbark 3138, 2023-11-22)


I grew up there and it would be a shame to loose it

Kelly Talia (Kilsyth South , 2023-11-22)


I spent many hours with my children when they were young at that pool.
I would like other young families to have the same opportunity.
Also it is a major community asset.
Why just give it up?
Do we get reduced rates?
Is there any incentive for the community to accept this decision?

Ian Cavanagh (Mooroolbark , 2023-11-22)


I'm signing this petition because I am local to the Kilsyth Pool and was a regular for an early morning swim before work. However since it has closed I haven't been swimming as the other pools available are too far away to be able schedule a swim before work.

Glen Carbis (Kilsyth, 2023-11-22)


My daughter is extremely upset as am I about the decision. We have so many fond memories of the Kilsyth centenary pool

Kylie Billing (Mount Evelyn, 2023-11-22)


As a local resident I have used the pool on a regular basis for the past 30 plus years

Jenny Roache (Kilsyth, 2023-11-22)


I grow up going to this pool as a child and have then taken my own kids there for swimming and lessons. I started taken my son when he was 3months old for baby play and he has been doing lessons ever since and started swimming in the squad. This was up until it closed. He is now no longer swimming.
Over all the pool was a great place to take the kids

Karina Boyle (Yarra Glen, 2023-11-22)


Council need to consult with the ratepayers before closing a facility such as this

Jamie Stretton (Belgrave South, 2023-11-22)


Closing this pool is going to result in other nearby pools being even busier than they already are.

This pool served so many local families, and also provided jobs to many others.

It doesn’t have to be anything big and fancy, just the same facilities as before.

Alesha Chapman (Kilsyth, 2023-11-22)


The dome pool is symbolic to Kilsyth. With all the development in Kilsyth it would be nice to keep it for the community.

Priscilla Habenschuss (Kilsyth, 2023-11-22)


I believe it is important for the local community to have access to pools, mainly for teaching water safety to you children. But also for social interaction and exercise.

Brad Milbourne (Mount Evelyn, 2023-11-22)


I believe the pool should stay and be upgraded on this site.
It is one of the few 50m heated pools in the state.
It is in a higher density are of the YR shire and if this is removed the nearest indoor pool in the shire is many many km away.
There is enough space on this site to keep the 50m pool and add further facilities on the site for recreation, fitness and rehabilitation.

Steph Walton (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-22)


I was a member and took my son to this pool every week… it’s walking distance from my house … I miss it!

Kelly Defiddes (Kilsyth, 2023-11-22)


I loved this pool

Lucas de Vent (Montrose, 2023-11-22)


I’m signing because my family & I have used this pool and would like it to be rebuilt so we can continue to use it.

John Klein (Chirnside Park , 2023-11-22)


I miss the aquaerobics!

Anne De Wit (Montrose, 2023-11-22)


I m signing as i swim there regularly with lots of older woman. It is crazy they are shutting down the pool when all it needs is a new roof. All the staff losing their jobs and what about the schools and swim club that no longer have anywhere to go. The closest pool in Yarra ranges is monbulk this isnt good enough.

Cathy Woollard (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


Signing because I want a local pool

Steve Ciccolallo (Mooroolbark , 2023-11-23)


I would love to see this all upgraded we need this pool here,it’s part of Kilsyth

Theresa Knights (Melbourne , 2023-11-23)


I moved to the area in the last 12 months and was so excited that there would be a swimming pool/aquatic centre so close by for my kids, but it has not reopened since we moved here. It is so disappointing. An aquatic centre in kilsyth is so desperately needed now for the pocal community.

Meg Donnelly (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


I grew up with that pool it’s where I learned to swim. I want my children to learn there as well.

kellie streader (Lilydale, 2023-11-23)


Save kilsyth pools the kids.did there swim school . You can way build an building around the the pools . You like.closing place around us. People keep the fight going . We love the pool close to home. It's OJ for you building units around our area and you can drive up through so many cars. That parking there. We pay our rates so give us our pool ba k.

Sandra Cox (Kilsyth , 2023-11-23)


I’m singing this because I want to see Kilsyth pools rebuilt it’s been a big part off my life 35 years 29 years for my son and over 45 years for my husband and 22 years of my daughters life it and was 4 years for my grandson rebuilding our beloved pool

Nicola Robbins (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


I’m signing because it doesn’t make sense to build a new pool in lilydale, when all Kilsyth needs is to be repaired/upgraded

Jane Stephens (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


I loved this pool, and often took my kids there. It wasn't too busy, had the outdoor pool for really hot days and I enjoyed the spa quite a lot. Croydon aquahub has too many lanes closed for elderly swimmers. We need this!

Nerida Powell (Mooroolbark , 2023-11-23)


We need a pool here, not Croydon or Ringwood!

Paul Trounson (Montrose, 2023-11-23)


I am signing because Kilsyth was out local pool. Children need access to swimming lessons. To have a new pool and rehab pool in Yarra ranges would be fantastic.

Lauren Adams (Mooroolbark , 2023-11-23)


We need a 50 metre pool in the yarra valley

colin gray (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


I live in the area and agree with this proposal

Jennifer Corlett (LILYDALE, 2023-11-23)


We need this, it could be great

Lisa Barre (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-23)


I was extremely disappointed they chose to close the pool, if they had only put some funding into this sooner it would have remained open. I grew up going to this pool as a child and so has my daughter. The rockpool was especially enticing to kids to play in. I would love if a new pool was put in its place rather than removed for good.

Ebony Barratt (Croydon, 2023-11-23)



Rachael Janssen (Croydon South, 2023-11-23)


I used to go to this pool even before the dome was built. It was always busy and I think it is an important part of the Yarra Ranges history. There needs to be a pool in the area, some people can't get to Croydon, Boronia or Yarra Junction.

Michelle Collyer (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


The closure on Kilsyth Centenary Pool is the loss of a valuable community facility. I feel that an upgrade to include a gym and group fitness classes would greatly benefit the community.

Robyn Welten (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


We need to preserve aquatic facilities in our suburbs
A social responsibility by council to provide places of enjoyment
Council are building skate parks and other recreational facilities
In our hot summers cool communal spaces are essential

Jimmy Dunne (Maroondah, 2023-11-23)


I’m signing because I’d like to see more public spaces for health and recreation.

Nenad Knezevic (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-23)


There is not enough pools in the area. To also have a pool to teach kids swimming and save lives.

Melanie Cooper (Mt Evelyn , 2023-11-23)


I miss my 4 times a week water aerobics! The social interaction, the kind and helpful staff, the convenience and location.
Taking my grandchildren to the pool for a fun time.

Sarah Leechman (Lilydale, 2023-11-23)


We need a pool in kilsyth some of the people that are either old or have a disability can only go so far without support to go swimming

Kaity Cross (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


It was the best pool to go to in winter and also helped with my weight loss as of the big lap pool that was provided

Renee McIvor (Chirnside Park, 2023-11-23)


There is little enough in Mooroolbark/kilsyth for people of all ages to enjoy either for exercise or fun, so why remove an already extremely well utilised swimming pool. It is perfectly suited for an upgrade which in my opinion should have been carried out much sooner. This pool has been a fixture in our community for many years, I spent many summers there during my youth, my children learned to swim there and I was hoping my grandchildren would but unfortunately due to the YRC need for more money they are going to deprive an entire community.

Julie Nelthorpe (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


I use to go there as a child 30years ago and my 12 yo son now loved going to the balloon pool....

fisher Robyn (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-23)


I am signing this petition because the loss of this pool permanently is quite devastating to so many people. It is an essential facility in our area and having to find an alternative pool will bring about overcrowding in whichever pool is chosen. Not to mention the inconvenience of having to travel much further. Bring back our pool.

Margaret Bryans (Mount Evelyn, 2023-11-23)


We used to visit regularly and now we have no pool close to us.

Melissa Read (Melbourne , 2023-11-23)


Lilydale pool is too far. With the huge increase in population from new housing developments, a pool is needed. School groups have also utilised the centre for much needed lessons and swim carnivals.

Julie Cooper (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-23)


I loved going there and it was very quiet, which I liked

Samantha Turner (Kilsyth, 2023-11-23)


I'm signing as I and my niece and nephews (ages 2-6) were regular users of the Kilsyth pool (I for exercise in swimming laps) and my family for learning how to swim. Which is vitally important considering holidays are spent around water. The fact that drownings are on the rise, pools are needed. I am also signing as I disagree with the pool being demolished. We need affordable swimming facilities now and the plan of building something in 10+ years on land that hasn't even been purchased yet is not good enough. Based on this my children will never have the opportunity to learn how to swim within the Yarra Ranges. Also being told to go to other already crowded and more expensive pools in other municipalities which are only 25m in length is not appropriate to meet the needs of those who used the Kilsyth pool

Jessica Probert (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-23)


I live local and need a pool that I can use that's not a 20minute trip or train ride. What are our rates getting used on. A pool is essential for the community!

Tamara Baloh (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-23)


I was using this centre for fitness and work recovery twice a week. My kids also use it for school swimming

Dale Mills (Melbourne , 2023-11-23)


I was a regular at the Kilsyth pool and I loved it. It needs to reopen or build a new one for us

Prue Edward-Subotsch (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-24)


This pool is the heart and soul of the Yarra valley. New facilities and this pool would be thriving like it once was

Kylie Snape (Croydon, 2023-11-24)


I was a regular user of this facilty, travelling further afield to pools which are already too busy to provide any lanes for lap swimmers is just not an option. My health has gone downhill since Kilsyth pool was closed. :-(



I have used this pool for many years with and without children. The loss of the pool will have a detrimental impact on the local community.

Catherine Buckland (MOOROOLBARK , 2023-11-24)


My son had swimming lessons there and he loved his teacher. Where she has moved to is not as practical.

Bianca Scott (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-24)


I was a daily user of the pool and saw first hand the social and health benefits the pool brought to the community.

Kerryn Morey (Kilsyth, 2023-11-24)


I used to swim here and the area needs an updated uquatic pool play area and water slides as the land it is on is more than enough sufficient for one of the best swimming places around

John Malan (Melbourne, 2023-11-24)


The facilities in the local area need to keep up with population growth, not go backwards.

Claire Hopkins (Croydon, 2023-11-24)


We take our boys here every week! Don't waste the site, build a new centre!!!!

Amy Monteith (Mount Evelyn , 2023-11-24)


This is a valuable property which should continue as public property

Jane Natoli (Montrose, 2023-11-24)


This is important and necessary for our community

Phillip Ryan (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-24)


Kilsyth centenary pool was a fixture of all outer east peoples lives. Memories lasting a lifetime.
A new facility is absolutely essential for all the community in this area, allowing swimming lessons, advanced training for professionals, semi professionals, fitness and recreational activities. A 50 meter pool/ facility as replacement is essential for the above purposes.

Rowan Porter (Kilsyth , 2023-11-24)


I’m signing because we need better swimming facilities in the area..

Hamish Morgan (Mooroolbark , 2023-11-24)


Been attending Kilsyth Pools every summer for over 30 year's..when I first came to Australia then with my kids was hoping to with my grand kids..One a you loos the pool you loos the community around it...for genarashions every family in local area now's off Kilsyth Pools with in there family and Community History...YOU CANT put a price on community HISTORY.....SHAME ON councilors for wrenching the Hart of the community out making Dishions like this

Adam Wood (Croydon 3136 Melbourne., 2023-11-24)


There is a dire need to keep a 50m pool in this suburb.

Jade Scott (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-24)


We want this pool to stay in Kilsyth.
Please rebuild the structure.
It’s a huge community loss not keeping it in the same area.

Cheryl Frazer (Mount Evelyn, 2023-11-24)


How could there be a downside to rebuilding - great location, easy access, keep residents of all ages fit, somewhere for kids to learn to swim, keep youths active and off the streets, perfect for local sports clubs to exercise and close proximity to many schools for their swimming classes and carnivals

Nikki Z (Kilsyth, 2023-11-24)


This pool is very needed & loved by the community

Lauren Clinton (Montrose, 2023-11-24)


It’s a fantastic site and well used by the ratepayers of the Yarra Valley that expect more from their council. To lose such an important landmark of Mooroolbark and not to have accessible facilities much needed in the community is upsetting for us all and I see no reason why the money can’t be allocated as well as the State Government also allocating funds towards it. There is talk of a new facility in the future somewhere else? Why?!?

Karen Dodd (Melbourne, 2023-11-24)


We used the kilsyth pool weekly and it’s closure has meant that we need to travel 30-40 mins away.
The infrastructure is already there, it just needs to be refurbished.
In this day and age we need to reuse and recycle rather than building something from scratch.

Lauren Johnson (Lilydale, 2023-11-24)


It’s good for the area

Rick Peterson (Melbourne , 2023-11-24)


My kids love going there. It's close by has parking and we need a good pool in our area.

Rebecca Brown (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-25)


To allow local schools to provide their compulsory swimming lessons and lifesaving skills as before.
To allow the Learn to Swim program to continue to provide classes for all ages and abilities at the pool.

Ken Rudan (Lilydale, 2023-11-25)