Hvetjum stjórnvöld til að falla frá niðurskurði til vísinda / We encourage the Icelandic government NOT to cut funds for basic science



I am a former posdoc, who worked at Reykjavik University and the University of Iceland.

Anna Sitek (Wroclaw, 2023-12-03)


Þvílík hræsni hjá stjórnvöldum að stofna fyrr á árinu svokallað Vísinda- og nýsköpunarráð til þess að ,,Stuðla að upplýstri og gagnrýnni umræðu um vísindi, tækni og nýsköpun, stöðu greinanna og mikilvægi fyrir íslenskt samfélag með skýrslum og opnum fundum. ". Opnir fundir stuðla ekki að góðri stöðu vísinda á Íslandi, það er fólkið sem vinnur við vísindi.

Álfheiður Edda Sigurðardóttir (Reykjavík, 2023-12-03)


Vísindafólk á Íslandi er háð styrkjum rannsóknarsjóðsins en engir aðrir stórir sjóðir eru í boði til að sækja í. Sem ung vísindakona mun breytingin enn frekar skerða mína möguleika á að hljóta styrk.

Jóhanna Gunnarsdóttir (Kópavogur, 2023-12-03)


I started a faculty position in Iceland only a few months ago. Seeing these extreme cuts, I am now concerned that working in Iceland would be a serious hindrance to staying internationally competitive.

Szabolcs Horvát (Reykjavík, 2023-12-04)


Science stands at the forefront of a nation's development and prosperity, making its support not merely a cost, but a strategic investment

Amin Amani (Reykjavík, 2023-12-04)


The sciences need decent funding

Alex Elíasson (Kópavog , 2023-12-04)


Many reasons. I do believe falling behind will cost more money in the long term, due to fewer companies being made. I want Iceland to be a frontier rather than behind in science. I do not want our best researchers and students to leave Iceland because of lack of support. I do believe these short term goals will cost our future.

Bjarki Freyr Sveinbjarnarson (Reykjavik, 2023-12-04)


It is essential to maintain funding opportunities through IRF. Researchers and students rely on these opportunities to further innovation and research in Icelandic society and allows them to engage in international opportunities.

Amber Monroe (Sauðárkrókur, 2023-12-04)


I think is important the good support for the research field. Is the only way to improve the results.

Mayra Hernandez (Reykjavik , 2023-12-04)


I’m signing this petition because I am a PhD student that would not have been able to proceed to those graduate studies in Iceland if my projects and my supervisors projects would not have been funded by the Icelandic Research Fund. Our research is of primary importance for the economy and for the cultural heritage of the country as the Arctic charr is an emblematic species in Iceland.

Marion Dellinger (Sarre-Union, 2023-12-04)


I'm signing because I have benefitted from the Rannis Fund, which enabled me to pursue my PhD at Reykjavik University. Even though I have left Iceland, I actively collaborate with Icelandic researchers and travel to Reykjavik University to discuss research in person. Government funds continue to make this possible.

If funds for basic science are cut, Iceland will suffer from diminished collaboration in terms of the number of international students pursuing study at Icelandic universities and cooperation with international researchers.

Duncan Paul Attard (Glasgow, 2023-12-04)


I am a soon to be doctoral student who moved to Iceland permanently for the prospect of research

Calvin Lee (Reykjavík, 2023-12-04)


Research is fundamental to sustainability. For betterment of communities and environment, we must develop new technologies. This huge cut is a very bad sign for our future generations.

Koustubh Karande (Reykjavik, 2023-12-04)


I want research to continue and flourish.

Hákon Hákonarson (Hafnarfjörður, 2023-12-04)


The current funding is already not competitive compared to other Nordic countries. Cutting this budget further will ultimately result in people leaving the Icelandic research landscape (or not joining to start with). This not only results in a massive brain drain in the area of research - it will also have a substantial impact on the quality of education, which is already understaffed in many areas.

Grischa Liebel (Reykjavik, 2023-12-04)


The founding for studies and research are necessary for the development of New clean technologies and prevent the damage of the environment using the New generación of the people

Hugo Quinteros (Kopavogur, 2023-12-04)


A cut to the competitive fund will be detrimental to graduate students in Iceland. Principal Investigators will need to look for other sources of funding which can be scarce. If Iceland can’t continue to provide high quality and properly funded graduate education, innovation will surely suffer.

Nikolas VanKeersbilck (Thousand Oaks, 2023-12-04)


Framþróun þekkingar á íslenskum sérsviðum byggir á öflugum rannsóknum og rannsóknarsamvinnu innan og untanlands og því skiputir miklu að hafa góða rannsóknarsjóði til að byggja undir og styrkja innlendar rannsóknir

Þröstur Guðmundsson (Garðabær, 2023-12-04)


Hvetja til þess að þessi niðurskurður verði dreginn til baka.

Skúli Skúlason (Reykjavík, 2023-12-05)


Stórlega vanhugsuð aðgerð sem hefur alvarleg áhrif á gæði íslensks samfélag til framtíðar.

Geir Sigurðsson (Reykjavik, 2023-12-05)


Framlag til rannsókna er mikilvægur í þekkingarsamfélagi.

Ingi Rúnar Eðvarðsson (Kópavogur, 2023-12-05)