Save Cowes Primary School from closure



Cowes is a fantastic school which is performing very well. The councils decision to target Cowes primary is not in the best interest of the education of our children on the island.

Steve Randall (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


My Grandson started last year in reception and has thrived he is so happy to be going into year 1.
It is an amazing school with dedicated teachers with Good Ofsted reports since 2000.
Please reconsider any thoughts of closing this School.

Gill Holness (Lake, 2024-09-06)


My Niece attends cowes primary and i feel it would be very detrimental to her further learning and future if it closes.

Marcus Gillingham (Fordingbridge, 2024-09-06)


I think the whole reorganisation is far too drastic and will affect my children directly.

Michael Preece (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I'm signing this petition because i think it unjust that a school with very good results and room to expand is possibly being closed, while keeping a school with poor results and no room to expand, a move that makes no logical sense. We were affected significantly by a mistake made by the council which caused many children to leave out of the parents' concerns, this was then then used by the council to justify closing the school. This is unjust and unacceptable.

Kirsty Clements (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Small schools like this are vital for the community.

Diane Nicke (Cardiff, 2024-09-06)


I am signing as both my daughters attend this school. Closing this school will be devastating for all the families, staff and most importantly the children. By closing this school, you will be neglecting our children, disrupting their education and taking away their support network. It takes time to build relationships with teachers, staff and friends. This will no doubt cause harm to our children's mental, social and emotional well being.

Toni Carpenter (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


It’s ridiculous to do this

Jodie Broad (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I support local primary schools

Katrina Pritchett (Newport, 2024-09-06)


Supporting the families who go to Cowes Primary School

Hannah Boulton (Christchurch, 2024-09-06)


Cowes Primary out performs many other primary schools around the island, All my children have gone through this school, it will be devastating for Cowes and the future of local children and teachers for this school to close.

Chris Galbraith (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I know someone who goes to this school and it is a fantastic school

Karen Nicoll (Haywards Heath, 2024-09-06)


2 of my Grandsons attend this school. They achieved A + A* in their reports showing what a great school it is.
Too many primary schools are being closed on the Island purely for greed by the Council.

Jo Matthews (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


its important to stay open

josh hanks (newport, 2024-09-06)


My granddaughter attends Cowes primarily it is a wonderful school and she has progressed so much since starting this school, she loves it there. The school is performing well and the school teachers are so dedicated. It would be a massive upheaval for all the children to have to move to other schools.

Tricia McCourt (East Cowes, 2024-09-06)


my daughter goes to this school.

David Carter (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I'm signing because I want to save Cowes primary school! Shutting schools is not the answer!

Chris Kill (Newbridge, 2024-09-06)


My Granddaughter attends Cowes primary and loves the school and her teachers are amazing , this would be a ridiculous decision to close the school

Belinda Cooknell (East Cowes, 2024-09-06)


I am signing this petition to show my full support for the brilliant Cowes Primary School, Teachers Pupils and parents.

Hannah H (Ryde, 2024-09-06)


My grandchildren have attended the school and it has been an extended family to all the children who attend. The teachers and school support staff have been exemplary. This school does not need to close when it provided great Ofsted results.

Debbies Ford (Aberdare, 2024-09-06)


Should be opening new schools not closing education first always

John Nicke (ABERDARE, 2024-09-06)


My friends son is enrolled at the school, he has flourished over the last few years to become a bright and engaging child that has built his confidence through good tutorage and a well run community. The school offers first class teaching and exciting opportunities for youngsters, and I know it will leave a massive hole in the educational standards of the island if it closes and would seem a background step for future generations.

Anthony Collins (London, 2024-09-06)


Schools are failing are youth, we need more schools not less. For an example we now have people believing the earth is flat

Sam Hall (Freshwater, 2024-09-06)


It was a fantastic school for my son and combining schools and making class sizes bigger is not good for students or teachers

Amanda Crook (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


Living in an area when you don’t drive is hard enough with children let alone working and relying on a unreliable bus service, what about the children’s mental health and how vunerable you are making children for abuse? Asking others to deliver or collect your children because bus doesn’t get you on time, your meeting or shift has over run? The council are a disgrace and are not living in the real world! I also feel
Sorry for the teachers where are they all going?

Sarah Baker (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


This fantastic school can't be closed just like that, it has a great future!

Malgorzata Lambell (Cowes, 2024-09-07)


My step son had a great time at this school and class rooms are already large losing a school would have an impact on class sizes

Lauren Ellingham (Porchfield, 2024-09-07)


This school has outstanding ofsted reports and lanes end reports are not great, kids are happy here, there’s no place for them in other schools, especially as this school has taken kids in from other countries, THIS SCHOOL IS A* class, don’t let the children suffer just to probably build on!!

Laura Voller (Cowes, 2024-09-07)


My grandsons love this school and are happy and settled there. Pupil numbers could well go up and the school use up any spare space - if it's not there the chance is gone.

Susan Wilson (Cowes, 2024-09-07)


I have good friends that work here and have children in the school and they are very angry and upset that it is being considered for closure!!

Dave Pearce (Waterlooville, 2024-09-07)


I'm signing this because I went to Gurnard Primary School till 2018 and every school day since then, I walk past it on the way home. Parents always struggle (especially on rainy days) to find somewhere close to park the car so they can pick up kids. There is no room for more cars, which are already blocking the pedestrian road crossings near the school. After living in the area for over 10 years, I know there's not nearly enough room for the students of Cowes Primary at Gurnard. I hope the school stays open, wishing it the best!

Poppy Moody (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-07)


It will have a detrimental impact on all existing students, their parents and the whole of the community.

Steph Roberry (Launceston, 2024-09-07)


Signing in support as a parent of two children in Wroxall fearing the same distress. :(

Hazel Wood (St Lawrence, 2024-09-07)


I’m signing this because Cowes Primary school is an important setting within the community.

Hannah Brewer (Cowes, 2024-09-07)


Because Cowes primary school important part of our community, kids love that place. My daughter loves being in Cowes primary school.

Diana Borysova (Cowes, 2024-09-07)


It's a good school and very much needed

Caroline Piggott (Southampton, 2024-09-07)


My granddaughter attends the school, it’s the best performing school in the area, just not right to close it! We have 2 more grandchildren that we would dearly love to attend this school in the next few years. Please don’t close it!

William Waygood (Salisbury, 2024-09-08)


This is the most fantastic primary school I have ever been apart of.

Rosie Marks (Newport, 2024-09-08)


The local authority have lied and misled everyone at Cowes Primary School. Counselor Bacon sat in our staff room and said:
"Everyone is back in the pot." (They weren't, apparently they can't close Academies, which I might add are underperforming in our Cowes area)

A local authority member said:
"We won't need temporary classrooms, there is enough space in the 2-form entry schools we have to take the moving children." (They do in our case, building temporary classrooms right on the Gurnard site).
"We won't have three-form entry Primary schools" (They will, Gurnard will now have over 500 primary children on one site, next years Year 6 class will consist of 91 children). Lie after total lie! Yet they propose to close our school with consistently high ofsted ratings for over 24 years, above national achievement averages and a team of highly experienced staff, how does that help poor results on the Island when they choose to close a school with anything but that!! Plus a building that can accommodate a schools worth of children and no mobiles needed, but if a member of the local authority is a Governor at a local school, I suppose it stays open - It's always who you know! Totally crazy!!!

Rachael Groves (Newport, 2024-09-08)


Don’t want school to shut

Christopher fleming (Southampton, 2024-09-08)


I taught at Cowes Primary school and also my children attended for their Primary education. The school delivers a first class education and all of the staff are experienced and outstanding. There are not enough spaces in other local schools and therefore families will have to travel to Newport schools which is unacceptable at Primary age. There are also new family houses still being built in the catchment area which will only increase the demand.

Petra Evans (Cowes, 2024-09-08)


Cowes is an amazing school which is being closed by the council on a technicality. Meanwhile our kids will be crammed into an already full school instead. How can this possibly be right?

Melanie Thornton (Cowes, 2024-09-08)


It's got nothing to do with education. The Education Authority has closed Cowes Primary and left two underperforming schools open (neither of which have been supported in the report which is quite damming towards them) and now one oversized school, neither of which supports the high standard of education that Cowes Primary offer!

Malcolm Carter (Cowes, 2024-09-08)


I am local with children at Blackberry Lane Nursery

Sasha Renouf (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-08)


I'm signing this as my granddaughter and my grandson will be massively affected by this closure..... this closure will have a big impact on their education and future.

Lambell James (Rugby, 2024-09-08)


My son went to this school and I was the secretary on the PTA. It’s a fantastic school with excellent teachers and a wonderful community atmosphere. It’s absurd that this school should close when others in the area have lower ratings but are protected because they are academies.

Paula Howells (Cowes, 2024-09-09)


it is unfair that Academies even if failing cannot be closed and Good schools are axed

Leanne Godley (`Northwood, 2024-09-09)


Cowes Primary School (CPS) is a fantastic school at the heart of the community. As a former pupil of CPS, my siblings, cousins and now own children go to CPS. It will be absolutely devastating, if it was to be closed after serving the community for over three decades. In these times, the school site has adapted and changed to accommodate the needs of the Cowes community. Other schools in the meantime have moved premises to former middle school sites.

CPS goes above and beyond. The hardworking, friendly, dedicated staff not only cares for their pupils but their family and wider community.

For the pupils, the schools Ofsted reports and last year’s test results, with above national average speak volume. These results are not the same for other schools in the area. This shows continuous improvement of standards at CPS. This has been achieved by the staffs perseverance, commitment and engagement. A true reflection of CPS professionals. As a parent, I have seen this reflected in my children’s learning with the work they have produced.

For the families and wider community, CPS hosts not only Grandparents lunch, Mother’s Day lunch, Father’s Day lunch and Horticulture Show, it also hosts and celebrates International Day. Pupils learn about the wider and the rich diversity of the island community and the world. Events not currently hosted by other schools. Everyone in the community is involved and united.

Do Ofsted reports not mean anything? Do end of year results not mean anything? It makes no sense to disrupt and uproot the pupils of CPS. It will have long term consequences for pupils, staff and everyone involved.

The last couple of years of uncertainty around CPS closure has impacted the school roll number, substantiating the councils point, that the school pupil numbers are declining, therefore closure is unavoidable.

CPS is a wonderful school and we must do whatever we can to ensure its future. In hindsight, we must not look back with regret, with the decision to close CPS.

Jussna Mateen (Cowes, 2024-09-09)