Please help us Save Oakfield C of E Primary School in Ryde



This is probably the best site/location for a primary school in Ryde. It's an excellent school with amazing staff. I believe this should not be closed.

Anna Murray (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My 3 nephews went there and it was a good school

Ian Morris (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


My children have just started Oakfield, one in reception and one at Little Acorns. The eldest doesn't cope very well with change so this will be very upsetting if he is relocated next year.
Also we have spent over £100 on uniforms. If they are only for a year and we have to buy new that is an unnecessary cost we could do without in this financial climate.

I think the council need to remember that with the West Acre development of around 450 houses and Penny Feathers (if it goes ahead) of over 900 houses in the next few years there will be a lot of people moving to the area.
To add to that the COVID baby boom means next year will show a massive increase in children of school age.

Adam Shackleton (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My daughter goes to this school and will be devastated if it closes.

Sioni Barnes (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


We need primary schools. Work has to start in primary to raise the standard of our education system and ultimately improve our
GCSE and A Level results.

Jackie Clegg (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My children attended this school, and have made connections, for my autistic son it is very difficult to cope with change and moving to a different school will be detrimental to his learning.

Jamie Proctor (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Schools areca precioys source of community and all those involved - pupils, staff, families - will have their sense if belonging smashed apart by this unreal decision. Please think again.

Julie Panton (Kent, 2024-09-05)


My child attends this amazing school

Kerry Ogden hills (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I have worked at Oakfield Primary for a number of years and I truly believe in it's profound value for the local community.

Joel McSorley (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


I know how good the staff are and how well they care for the children.

Sally Murphy (Gillingham, 2024-09-05)


The alternative school for the Oakfield children is nearly 2 miles away, along busy main roads.

Michelle Stanford (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


All of my children have attended this site even when it was a middle school. My son who is 8 is still there and is extremely happy. grounds are absolutely beautiful and what other school in Ryde has their own forest school and bee keeping. The staff are fabulous and I know for a fact the my son would not be able to cope with the change to another school emotionally, which would probably mean home schooling him. Where I would have to quit my job at St Mary’s Hospital to facilitate this. It’s going to have a massive knock on effect for people who don't drive to get the proposed school from the oakfield attachment area.

Joanne Bleakley (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My children attended this school and it'd brilliant

Nicola gallop Gallop (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Imagining because this is a very special school and should continue to do the good work in our community for the children.

Olly Mitchelmore (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Both my granddaughters went and want my baby grandson to go when the time comes.

Theresa Davies (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I think it’s ridiculous closing such a good school and the only C of E school in Ryde. You are creating an anxious year for parents children and teachers in an already deprived area of Ryde

Rose Walls (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I’m signing because both my children attend Oakfield, I have a son who has just started Year 3 and I have a daughter who attends the Little Acorns Nursery and is hoping to attend Oakfield Primary next September 2025. This school has been part of our family from when my 13 year old son attended. It’s a wonderful school and nursery and we are so grateful and thankful to all the wonderful staff and teachers who put so much into the lives of the children. My son wouldn’t be getting the help he needs for his SEN education if it wasn’t for Oakfield. I would love for my daughter to be able to have the opportunity to experience her primary school years at Oakfield as I know she will love it just as much as others have.

Michelle Rich (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


All my children went to this school, my youngest is still there and really enjoys it, it’s a lovely school. I’m shocked at the proposal to close it meaning so many family’s are going to have to travel further to get their children to school.

Zoe Alexander (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Short sighted decisions taken now could effect generations of children's education.

Darren Sumner (Newport, 2024-09-05)


All 3 of my children have been educated through Oakfield Primary school. The teachers are amazing.

Samantha long (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


This school is needed to serve it's local catchment area

Helen Vrba (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


All 3 of my children have attended oakfield, my youngest is currently in the nursery and coming on leaps and bounds with his confidence, my middle in in key stage 2 and doing brilliantly across all areas of his education and loves coming to school everyday and my eldest has just gone to high school and had the best support from teachers at the school. The staff and school are a key to the ryde community and do so much for it students. It would be devastating to lose this school and the staff

Sophie Farrell (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My son started oak field last year and has absolutely loved it, the teachers and the students. He’s very content and it’s gonna make life for his mum and me very difficult on taking him else where due to location as well as him having to change after seeing his future there. The grounds are amazing and it’s got a lot to offer and can’t believe it’s going!

Jack PARKINSON (Portsmouth, 2024-09-05)


The island is gonna need more schools not less

Richard Hollis (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


This decision is just ludicrous!

Emma Barnicoat (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My children went to this school . If you close this school where will all the children go . Class sizes will become too big for the smaller schools .

Sharon Corr (Newport, 2024-09-05)


I am an ex-teacher of the school who also worked on the original site prior to the transition from 3-tier to 2-tier system. My son also attends Oakfield. The school has consistently done its best to develop the whole child regardless of academic levels or additional needs. This has meant that children have moved to Oakfield as other schools are unable to cater for their needs. Without Oakfield there will be many children who will be seen as failures in the eyes of society who otherwise would thrive at Oakfield. Test results are not the be all and end all, unfortunately Ofsted have never got to grips with this idea! Happy, confident and resilient children who can problem-solve and deal with whatever life throws at them is most important, along with kindness and ability to help others. If this proposal goes ahead it will be a very sad day for the children, staff and parents of Oakfield Primary and the community as a whole!

Jodie Woolston (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


As a past parent and now member of staff at the school the reasoning given as to why Oakfield has been selected as potentially closing next year is fundementally flawed.

Helen McGuire (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


My kids and disabled granddaughter went to this Outstanding school. Shocked to hear it will be closing! A real loss to the community

Kate Turnbull (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My step brother attends oakfield school and he absolutely loves it there the teachers are amazing

Paige Passmore (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I don't want this school to close, my child is planned in to go here and it's a really great school with great grounds.

Jason Tutton (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My little brother goes to the school and loves it and has learn so much

Angel Passmore (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My step son goes to this school I have seen a massive improvement in him since he started I think it would be a massive shame to close to school

Karen Burgess (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I want the school to stay open for future generations

Christopher Ball (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Oakfield is more than a school- this closure will be devastating for so many families who have built up trust and made friendships here. Many families walk to school and the additional time and distance to get to any other schools will add unnecessary stress to many families.

Ali Parslow (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My niece attends this school, it shouldn't be shut down.

Victoria Ward (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


My son attends this school and is finally thriving he’s so happy and settled!

Courteney Parker (Brading, 2024-09-05)


The school needs to be saved

Caroline Duke (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Oakfield Primary School is important not just to the pupils and staff but the wider community. It hosts numerous local events. There is also the community pantry which is much needed in a town which includes one of the most deprived wards in the UK.

Bethan Curtis (Newport, Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


In support

Callum Maher O’Brien (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Because this school NEEDS to stay open. Not only because of location but it's the first school I've personally come across that actually cares and tries its best to accommodate for SEN children and all children really. Staff are excellent, the feedback from my daughter is always positive and it would be a needless shame to close it.

Kay Newman (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My granddaughter’s go to the school.

Yvonne Lockyear (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Oakfiel Primary is a brilliant school my child enjoys wholeheartedly, with great premises and caring staff. Faulty bureucratic calculations should not prevail over wellbeing of our children.

Maryna Medvedieva (RYDE, 2024-09-05)


My children both go to this school, and are absolutely thriving.
The teachers are amazing ❤️

kara baker (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


I’m signing as I have relatives and friends who are employed at the school and a nephew who attends as a pupil. Having lived in Ryde for the whole of my life, I appreciate that Oakfield is an essential asset to the local community. Ryde is the most heavily populated town on the Island and there are plans to increase housing in the Oakfield catchment area. The building fabric is modern and the setting provides a varied environment to stimulate young minds. It makes no sense to close such a valuable resource.

Jeff Walls (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I'm signing because I am strongly against Oakfield closing as I have worked in the kitchen for over 5 years so have seen the pupils progress in a positive way. The pupils , including SEN pupils have come on in leaps and bounds and although I am not the parent of these children, it makes me so happy to see this. I have seen communication between staff and pupils and I really can't fault them, they act in an extremely professional and effective manner. The staff take time to really get to know the children which I feel is important as this enables them to recognise their individual needs.
The staff are brilliant and this is one of many reasons why I transferred my daughter ( currently Year 6 ) to Oakfield because her needs were not being met ( after numerous meetings ) in her previous school.
She is now a completely different child and I wished I'd moved her sooner. Her mental well being has drastically improved also.
This is one of my many concerns for the children and their families who will have to be moved to another school, their mental well-being and home life may be affected which in turn could potentially lead to mental health issues for some!!! Closing Oakfield may be detrimental for some families and people NEED to look at the bigger picture!!

Lucy Collett (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


It's such a shame that The Local Authority feel the need to close some of our Schools when Schools are overcrowded as it is. This is also damaging to our Children's emotional and psychological wellbeing at being uprooted to other Schools, and possibly being separated from friends. OUR SCHOOLS MUST REMAIN OPEN. SAVE OUR SCHOOLS!!!

Brenda Heffernan (Newport, Isle Of Wight, 2024-09-05)


My granddaughter has been very happy at this school and as a SEN child I feel any move would be strongly detrimental to her schooling and emotional health.

Catherine Chiverton (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Local schools in locality, if this closes it will mean more cars on the roads as children will need to be driven to school. Also a fantastic school. Large classes don’t work

Joy Stany (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


My children attended this school, and it is sn important part of the community.

Julie Wright (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My son joined Oakfield part way through year 5, chiefly because of anxiety issues after bullying at his previous school went unchallenged by the school - despite great efforts on our family’s part to assist the school.
Oakfield is a special place - the positive, nurturing environment that has been fostered is truly remarkable and enabled him to not only re-find his confidence but also his joy of life. In addition he achieved at or above national average for his SAT’s in year 6 that he has just completed. I truly believe he would not have been able to achieve this outside of such a carefully structured environment.

David Stanford (Ryde, 2024-09-05)



Tyla Rose (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


The school is at the heart of this community, in walking distance of many children's homes. The school provides a hub for support and is depended on by many with few other personal resources. Many do not have transport to take children to school further afield. The ethos of Oakfield C of E school has always been to support children and families in the local area. This community needs this point of stability at its centre. I believe many unintended social consequences would follow from a decision to close this school to the community.

Helen Bradstock (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


When I was a child I went to Oakfield primary school in the previous location and bishop lovett middle school where Oakfield currently is and would love to see the historic grounds continue to be used for this purpose and both schools brought me so much joy. Having also known people with children attending the school I think it would be a massive loss for them, especially those with additional needs who have had so much support from the school and teachers.

Sophie Tayler (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


For all the single parents, parents that don’t drive don’t have extended family members for all the children that are being put in danger of abuse and their mental health and well being. For the parents who’s boss won’t care that they had to drive walk an extra 30 minutes away than normal and that’s why their late this will cause more poverty.

Sarah Baker (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


It must not close.

Marian Brett-Hill (Newport I.W., 2024-09-05)


I'm signing this recourse the school has done so much to help my son with he's leaning

Jason Mariner (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


Because my child goes to this school and it's brilliant

Cassie Mason (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I'm signing this because the children all deserves to have better education in life, half of parents are jobless, half of parents can't afford travelling to the other school, everyone will agreed that the meal and uniform costs very expensive due to taxes every year! Please do not remove the school and stop building more houses!! Stop ruining children's education!!

Marzana Uddin (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


On the behalf of my friend who lives on the Isle of Wight and little girl has just started reception there. She is devastated to hear the school may close.

Chelsea Kelly (Kent, 2024-09-05)


This school is such a vital part of the community and will have a detrimental effect on the pupils and families they support if it is closed.

Jo Walls (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I’m signing because no child should loose their primary school!

Jade Swell (Daventry, 2024-09-05)