Save Godshill Primary school



I feel that children should be educated in the area in which they live. For many of the children there has already been a dramatic change of school to make another change in their will inevitably affect their academic and social progress

Tracey Green (Huntingdon, 2024-09-05)


My other half is a teacher at Godshill and my daughter went there - the staff have all worked so hard to make it into an amazing school with a lovely atmosphere. They go above and beyond and this cannot be allowed to happen

Becky Hunns (Newport, 2024-09-05)


The school is important to the local children and families

Rebecca Preece (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


I lived on the Island for 30 years and the village schools were so well run and formed major roles in their community. Godshill is one of these and as I have a friend’s daughter there as a pupil I know how happy she is there and how the school is managed. This school should be kept open.

Janet Blackledge (Southport, 2024-09-05)


My children both attended and excelled in this school and my granddaughter currently is equally enjoying her education. This school is the heart and soul of Godshill.

Carole Pike (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


I’m signing this because my father is an excellent teacher there, and shutting this school will put him out of a job he worked very hard for, as well as many others who worked tirelessly to get a job at this school. Closing this school will just lead to multiple issues for everyone, mainly the residents of Godshill who would like their children to not have to travel miles every day just for their education. Shutting it is a mistake.

Jack Smith (Wroxall, 2024-09-05)


My daughter is very happy at Godshill primary and she would be devastated to have to leave her friends and her teachers. She was really progressing and growing in confidence and I feel like if Godshill was to close it would have a huge impact on her development.

Aidan Felis (Newport, 2024-09-06)


I live in Godshill very close to the school and see on a daily basis all of the excited, smiley faces going into school. The atmosphere is always one of happiness. The parents stay for a chat after drop off so it’s also a great place to stay in touch with each other., no doubt organising play dates etc. Many of the children walk as are local and it’s lovely to see them all arriving on foot, scooters and their little trikes. The doggies are brought along too! The school is such a central part of the village for so many reasons but the education of our young children is paramount and surely moving them from school to school, having to make new friends must be detrimental not only for now but long term. I just cannot believe what I have read about the possible closure. My daughter is now 21 and at university but the consistency of her school life, growing with the same friends and teaching staff made for a very happy childhood. Surely this can be avoided. The long term implications must surely out way the financial concerns. The reason we have so many problems with our younger generation today is because of inconsistency’s in their younger life. School is one of the MOST important parts of growing up and if that becomes an unhappy place because of so many changes, that will create more unhappy teenagers and young adults. I feel devastated for all of the parents and my child doesn’t even go to the school! The Isle of Wight is falling apart so PLEASE don’t make these closures. Think long term happiness not short term gain.

Tracy Brophy (Godshill, 2024-09-06)


Godshill Primary School is a thriving school. From starting to finishing; In pre-school, that is so educational and brought my children on so academically, socially and emotionally, to have the best start to go on to reception class to finish in year 6, when all teachers put their heart and soul into all the end of year trips and graduation proms. Godshill Primary School is like one big family, all years are so close to each other its so lovely to see. I personally drive half an hour to this school every day because it’s the best school for my children. I honestly wouldn’t choose for them to be at any other school. The island would have such a great loss if we lost this small village school. There are two new housing estates that are being built in Godshill and a new play park that was finally funded in Godshill that is being built. It’s absolute madness that they have tarnished our school on a list of schools that may close. Luckily there is large number of highly educated people that have teamed together to gets facts and figures as to why this school should stay open so I am positive we will stay open.
Please support us to fight this madness so our children once again don’t suffer the brunt of poor decision making for education on the Isle of Wight! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Kate AUSTIN (Sandown, 2024-09-06)


Godshill is an amazing school!
They have fought to regain their Good status with Ofsted & don’t deserve to be closed.

Stacy Jardine (Ventnor, 2024-09-06)


I believe in smaller size schools, and my friends grandchildren go to the school and they love it there.

Sue Potts (Newport, Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


Having had the pleasure of teaching at Godshill for 6 years, I’m acutely aware of the positive impact the school has on the children, families and community of Godshill and the surrounding areas. Closing this school will be hugely detrimental to the children that attend. It is proven that moving schools has a negative impact on a child’s education. This council ruined enough children’s education when they closed the middle schools, do not let them do it again.

Tom Monks (Muscat, 2024-09-06)


godshill in a central school with a great amount of parking. it is a lovely village school. the school is loved dearly by all who are there and all have been there over the years. our family has massive emotional ties to the school. all our daughters went there. there is a memorial garden for our eldest daughter who passed away when she was at godshill.
our granddaughter is now there and thriving. she is in year one, she is the youngest in her class and doing amazing.
it would be a massive mistake and injustice to society closing Godshill.

Jonathan Young (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


Grandchildren are due to start this month and next year. Mum doesn't drive and cannot get them to Niton or Ventnor on the bus or afford to! Moving to Godshill in a few weeks and looking forward to starting school and making local friends. Doesn't seem to be any thought given to the needs of existing children at the school or ones already moved from elsewhere. Blaming birth rate is utterly ridiculous, we have Covid toddler starting next year and another after that. One family bringing three children with them!

Laura Jennings (Ryde, 2024-09-06)


I am passionate about this school, it the heart of our community and serves both neurotypical and neurodiverse children well, so they can excel in a safe friendly environment.

Leigh Jackman (Godshill, 2024-09-06)


It is a short sighted decision particularly as a new large housing development, approved by the Council, is currently being built leases than a 600 yards away.

Martyn Smith (Wroxall, 2024-09-06)


No primary school should be closed

Wayne Kingston (East cowes, 2024-09-06)


I was a godshillonian for over 20 yrs and attended godshill primary as a child as did my brother. My brother still lives in godshill and his grandson will be looking to joining the nursery school, and then to attend the school as a pupil. This magnificent school has been the heart of the community of godshill, and it really is horrendous for the local authority to consider closing Godshill, and actually is criminal to consider to close any of the schools on the island. One thinks that the Council are just looking for the money for selling off land for development ahead of village life and future education of our children, as undoubtedly no one can predict future pupil numbers, but where will the schools be when the numbers increase, because local authorities won't be able to afford new schools.
With the level of development the new government wishes to see built across the country, schools will be needed, so save the great schools we already have.

David Marsh (Brading, 2024-09-06)


We are looking to bring our 2 children to this school

Nick Jennings (Northampton, 2024-09-06)


The school is essential for the future of the village

Simon Austin (Bembridge, 2024-09-06)


I'm signing this as my niece attends this school. She's had a massive upheaval in her little life and is thriving at this school. She's so happy and settled now.

victoria white (Liskeard, 2024-09-06)


The impact this closure will have on children will be devastating. And on families as well.

Geraldine Barber (Cowes, 2024-09-06)


to save the closure of godshill school of which my godson goes too

sandra bill (eastbourne, 2024-09-06)


Living in a rural area when you don’t drive is hard enough with children let alone working and relying on a unreliable bus service, what about the children’s mental health and how vunerable you are making children for abuse? Asking others to help
Deliver or collect your child from school or have them until after work as bus or meeting has over run?

Sarah Baker (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


Please please do not shut Godshill primary school! We have just moved here because of this school!!!!
Where would the children go!

Kate Tett (Isle of wight, 2024-09-07)


This is a wonderful school where the children flourish.
It's madness to close 2 schools in the south while there are 7 in and around the immediate Newport area. There are children that have had to have their education disrupted as it is caused by a very recent move from Chillerton.

Joanna De Boise (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


I do not agree with closing a school that is thriving & has a GOOD achievement would be a terrible shame. Definitely more to this!

Kelly Smith (Isle Of Wight, 2024-09-07)


My children attend this school and it is so important to the community to keep it open.

Elizabeth Stone (Newport, 2024-09-07)


This school is amazing my grandchildren go to it as both parents work and I am their support network. Some children were moved to the school after Chillerton and Rookley closed. Parents cannot afford to pay to go further afield this will have a detrimental impact on the environment with more children travelling to other areas. Please note the alternative schools have road infrastructure problems Ventnor and Niton cannot cope with more traffic

Vivienne Hazzard (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


I and both of my brothers attended the school in the 80s and 90s. We all flourished there and some of my happiest childhood memories are with the school in the background. At the heart of it, the school has always promoted independence, growth, resilience and kindness to all. I am the person I am today due to the foundations that the school gave me.
The school has always been a part of the community, it is the glue that holds the community together. The school should not close, it is an outstanding school and should be kept open

Karen Amer (Newport, 2024-09-07)


There should be no worry of schools shutting when it comes to education the next generations or teachers jobs jus because there maybe be a dip in places in some years! Surely this has happend many times so why now?

Kellie Dupre (Sandown, 2024-09-07)


It’s been our village school since forever this school cannot close

Sophie Cutress (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


Godshill Primary School is an amazing School, in the heart of the village, with standards beyond that of just teaching children. Both our girls attended Godshill and helped shape them into the incredible young ladies they are today. It would be devastating and heartbreaking to close this School. For the sake of current and future children, I sincerely hope Godshill will remain open.

Angela McKenzie (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


It’s a wonderful school, that the kids love & it should stay open.

Chris Walsh (Faversham, 2024-09-07)


My friend works here and her daughter attends! It’s a wonderful school that is central to the local community

Katy Parry (Southampton, 2024-09-07)


It’s a ridiculous idea to close godshill village school. Where will these children go? Many children come from close villages and there have been many new houses built in the area. Where are all these children going to go? Into Newport schools which will cause more congestion in the town and those schools will then be over crowded with not enough spaces. Small village schools are much better for the children.

Michelle Stock (Newport, 2024-09-07)


We need less cars on the road so why closing local schools!

Aurélie Drogou (Caen, 2024-09-07)


The school is such an important asset to the local families

Annabel Newey (Denmead, 2024-09-07)


This closure is unnecessary

Samantha Eames (Hayling Island, 2024-09-07)


It’s so important to save our village schools that are flourishing and at the heart of the community.

Lyn Wright (Sandown, 2024-09-07)


I believe the school should remain open for the local community particularly as a new housing estate is being built in the area .

Marcia Nolan (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


Both my kids go to this school and it's needed to the cummunity of godshill.

Richard Brownrigg (Apse heath, 2024-09-07)


Godshill Primary School was my primary school and I have wonderful memories of my time there, with friendships made now over 40 years old!
With the recent Lily Cross development potentially increasing intake in the future and the school currently being at almost full capacity and thriving, I fail to understand how Godshill is even being considered. It now puts parents of 2025 entry reception pupils in an unenviable position of whether to choose Godshill, which along with current parents maybe looking to move their children due the uncertainty, may then reduce intake and capacity. I feel the timing of announcing the consultation seems to be encouraging this, which only goes against Godshill Primarys favour.
To then expect children as young as 4, let alone a whole school, to catch a bus(es) to Niton is frankly ridiculous, taking into account the cost and logistics of this being put in place, which I hope will be disclosed during the consultation.
I would be sad to see any of the schools under consultation close, especially the village primarys and urge the Council to urgently reconsider this consultation.

Frances Button (Newport, 2024-09-07)


I know many children who went to this school and thrive, would be awful to see it close.

Helen Topchiev (Epping, 2024-09-08)


I've seen the school in action and the disposition of the children travelling. It is a poor idea to contemplate closing this school. Also the Island is just due an increase in population, therefore requiring more school places for children of the demographic.

Richard Green (Huntingdon, 2024-09-08)


I'm signing because my children attendee Godshill and it is a lovely, happy school. We were hoping for our Granddaughter to attend from next year.

I also feel for the parents of children from Chillerton and Rookley who keep getting moved from one school to another.

Also if all the schools in the area shut it doesn't give many options for school places when the intake rises.

Michelle Withall (Rookley, 2024-09-08)


My great nice attends Godshill primary and loves it and is thriving and doing well at school. This is an amazing village school and needs to remain open. There are no other local primaries in the area to serve the local children who need their first experience of school to be happy and positive.

Howatt Sue (Sandown, 2024-09-08)


This school is the most amazing school my daughter has attended and has come on leaps and bounds it would be so wrong to close it.

Darren Griffin (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-08)


I went to this school as a child, and grew up in Godshill. It is a wonderful school, and taught me values that I still uphold today.

Joanna Gough (Hastings, 2024-09-08)


The school needs to stay open, it is a credit to the village and staff and pupils are wonderful.

Gillian Blyth (Godshill, 2024-09-09)


My Grandson it at one of these schools and they are very important to him and my family.Also I support ever other student and family at these schools.

Christine Kennett (Southampton, 2024-09-09)


I work there!
It’s a fantastic school with amazing staff and incredibly happy children.

Nicola Cousins (Cowes, 2024-09-09)


My niece and nephew both attend the school and I know how much the community values the start the school gives their children! They both have had the best start here and it would be disaster to see an oversubscribed, highly regarded school close.

Claire Martindale (Warlingham, 2024-09-09)


My grandchildren go to the school, it’s disgusting to think the council can do what they like essentially, what about all the kids that are settled there? Moving school is not an option for my grandson, my granddaughter has just gone from nursery to reception moving school is not an option for her either both have legitimate reasons why this is not in their best interests, this is just going to drive the younger generations back to mainland because of schooling.

Susan Walker (Totland bay, 2024-09-09)