Build an upgraded, modern, aquatic facility on the Kilsyth Centenary Pool site in VIC.



It’s time to invest in our pools not close them! We need more, not less. Our community is growing and we need pools for well being, self care and safety!

Heidi Smith (Chirnside Park, 2023-11-25)


I am signing because I have been doing Aqua classes for over10 years. I have made beautiful friends through these classes.

Judy Haley (Melbourne, 2023-11-25)


I’m signing as this is my local pool and the aquatic facilities need to be rebuilt

Tony Brown (Lilydale , 2023-11-25)


Bring back our facilities, with it being gone it has made a huge impact on the community and the local schools who now can’t do swimming lessons. There is no swimming lessons available for our kids as they are all full.

Mel Hunter (Chirnside Park, 2023-11-25)


It is an outrage that this pool was closed. Should have been approved for a full rebuild like Northcote aquatic centre. Where the council cares for its residents

Josh P (3137, 2023-11-25)


I’ve been a member of the centenary pool prior to it’s closure and had used it regularly, I think it is a great idea to rebuild in the space as the location and facility is accessible to many locals and non locals

Leonie Cranmer (Lilydale , 2023-11-25)


Our family have been going to the dome for over 30 years and my sons school has there swimming program eatery year

Emily Kennedy (Wonga Park, 2023-11-25)


I would like the Kilsyth pool re-opened for general fitness, health and well being within the community.

Brenton Simpson (Montrose, 2023-11-25)


A pool returned to that site is vitally important for the locals, for their Mental Health and Physical Health, also Community cohesion. It would cost millions less in Dollars than the tourist driven MBT in Warburton which the Council has used from our Rates.. Local Rates for Local Ratepayers!

Susan Waterfield (Launching Place, 2023-11-25)


I grew up swimming in this pool and still swim there when I visit my parents in Durham road, Kilsyth. Fix the pool so people can enjoy it and look after their health... Please 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

Karen Walker (Surfers Paradise, 2023-11-25)


This is a great pool and facilities and should be fixed not pulled down and gotten rid of

Nikki Roycroft-Jones (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-25)


I heavily saddened at the sudden closure of Kilsyth pool. I feel like council have their own agenda and knew all along the choice they would make when it was closed for safety reasons.

Being a councillor is about more than cutting costs. Listen to the people you represent and bring back Kilsyth pool.

Erin Paxinos (Montrose , 2023-11-26)


I’ve swam there since I was a child, 40+ years!
It’s easy location, parking and outside grassed areas make it a place you can bring the family for the day.

Leonie Drake (Mt Evelyn, 2023-11-26)


I'm signing because Yarra Ranges needs this facility & soon, not years from now.

Janet Sgambellone (SEVILLE EAST, 2023-11-26)


It's nice to have a swimming pool in the neighbourhood. Having to go to ringwood and nunawading for a swim means we can't go as often. It makes getting to know the community difficult.

Kanika Soam (Melbourne , 2023-11-26)


Because our community needs it

Tate Reynolds (Kilsyth , 2023-11-26)


I live in Glen Dhu Road. Our area was rezoned for medium density. Population in tbe area is going dramatically and we need these community facilities. I had been told by council officers and our local Councillor that one of the benefits of the rezoning would be the development of the pool into a facility similar to the Maroondah leisure centre. I was obviously lied to. It did not go unnoticed the week the dome came down was the same week news reports were advising there is up to a 2 year waiting period for children to get into swimming lessons.
I pay my rates for community facilities for the wider community to benefit, not for self indulgent offices that benefit a few.

Judy Hatfield (Kilsyth, 2023-11-26)


It’s needed for people in the community

Sarah O’Neill (Lilydale , 2023-11-26)


I live in the area and did use this pool for low impact exercises I am not able to travel to ringwood and why should I, I am a rate payer and the pool is the only thing that I use I don't go to parks I don't have kids.
I don't go to the dog parks and I don't do sport

Tammy Heffernan (Lilydale , 2023-11-26)


I was a member and regular user of Kilsyth Centenary Pool before it was closed

Michael Watson (Wandin North, 2023-11-26)


Kilsyth pool was an awsome place for my children as teens. And would be a much valued facility to the community as a whole.

Jani Willis (Ringwood East, 2023-11-26)


I want to swim with my children at my local pool

Rachel Turner (Lilydale, 2023-11-26)


We need to keep ourselves fit and healthy and not line the pockets of greedy councils
Our suburban populations are increasing so we desperately need to keep public facilities open. ☯️

Christine Lamb (Croydon, 2023-11-27)


I grew up enjoying swimming at this pool after school and weekends, not every now and again, every afternoon, every weekend, my grandchildren learned to swim here and still attended regularly, they live locally,
This pool is essential to the area, to build safety and support community and social development
I am so disappointed at the decision to demolish such an important part of our lives, the resources are there to stop this happening, there are no alternatives, rethink this for the public, the rate payers, the community, because that is what is important, listen, take note, take action to fix this .

Diane Oliver (PAKENHAM, 2023-11-27)


This pool should be saved leave as an outdoor pool until enough funds are raised to make it enclosed again
Too many families miss out now as this pool was local to so many

Ebony Austin (Mooroolbark, 2023-11-27)


I’ve been a twice weekly user of the pool for more than 12 months before council closed it.

Learning to swim and having a local facility is important for both children, but also adults.

Tiffany Lucas (Melbourne, 2023-11-27)


I live and work in Yarra ranges
I learnt to swim with the Vic swim program at Kilsyth
I now teach swimming lessons at JHMP, healesville
There is not enough availability for schools and private programs in the YR shire. Nor is it practical to travel to Ringwood, junction or healesville for aquatic lessons & therapy, when residing in the under serviced; Kilsyth, Mooroolbark, Mt Evelyn, Montrose & lilydale areas…

Sarah Nugent (Healesville , 2023-11-27)


I live 2 streets away from Kilsyth Centenary pool. We recently purchased a house on Mountfield Rd and are raising our two children here. We chose this area for its great amenities and it was devastating when we found out the pool was closing down as our kids loved it when we took them there. I don't think the council have the best interests of the Kilsyth and Mooroolbark community in mind since they prioritize Lilydale citing it as a growth area, however Kilsyth and Mooroolbark are also booming. It's not sufficient to expect that everyone will crowd into the woefully inadequate Croydon pool or have people from multiple areas all converging on Lilydale. I had hoped for the premium price I paid to get into the area and the high rates we pay that my children would have a locally accessible pool that doesn't require a car trip and more impacts on the environment and parking. I have seen very old pools be rebuilt or restored in other areas and I'm disappointed that Yarra Ranges doesn't see the need to have it when there is such high need and benefit in the area. To say that the local splash parks are an adequate alternative is ridiculous too, as a growing area has many young children that need to learn to swim, not to mention many adults of all ages rely on swimming as their exercise for their health and well-being. I hope that we can show the Yarra Ranges that they are making a big mistake closing this facility down altogether.

Olivia Dixon (Kilsyth, 2023-11-27)


I want the pool back

Sharon Cook (Seville, 2023-11-28)


Want to use the pool

Adam Douglas (Kilsyth, 2023-11-28)


I am local, and swimming is a important activity for people from all walks of life. Not everyone can access other pools.

Karen mcveigh (Bayswater North, 2023-11-29)


Both of my sons used this pool for swimming lessons. I now have to travel all the way to Healesville for one child as nowhere else closer can fit him in and the other to Knox. This year my eldest son’s school had to try and move their school swimming program to another pool. Because of this the program normally 2 weeks was reduced to 3 days. So many groups and schools rely on this pool and we need it back for our community.

Jodie Finnegan (Montrose , 2023-11-29)


Pool in this location is required and YRC CEO and Councillors are not working for the residents.

Thomas Burns (Lilydale, 2023-11-30)


We need this pool I need to get fit and moved into the area to use it.

Rusell Jones (3138, 2023-12-01)


I used this pool when I was young, great times connecting with friends. My grandkids had swimming lessons here, now where do local families go.

Karen Hvala (Port Melbourne, 2023-12-01)


This pool is needed in the community ! , Swimming lessons , school programs , general wellness and recreational and for recovery of injured

Pat Quinliven (Mooroolbark, 2023-12-02)


It's disappointing to see facilities available to the community going backwards. We need more options for exercise and recreation, not less. How could we afford to build this 50 years ago and now we can't maintain it?

Michael McGlade (Montrose, 2023-12-02)


I would swim there.

Phillip Morton (Chirnside Park , 2023-12-03)


I want a better modern pool

Jackie Tan (Mooroolbark, 2023-12-03)


I used to use the pool and my son was at the swimming club. Now I is difficult as the other local pools do not want to share their space. I am a rate payer and want the pool back.

Drew Price (Mooroolbark, 2023-12-03)


I believe public swimming pools are valuable facilities for passive and active recreation for all. I also believe that swimming is an important skill to learn.

Andrew Barnes (Ringwood, 2023-12-03)


I want our swimming pool back
Please sort it out and rebuild it

Rene Belyus (Mt Evelyn, 2023-12-04)


It’s my local pool and is used by the local schools and all different age groups. It is important to our community to have this pool up and running. A modern facility with a gym, a cafeteria, pools and sauna would be amazing on this site.

Michael Rigg (Kilsyth , 2023-12-04)


I really think that we need this pool in our community,

Karren Ward (Mooroolbark, 2023-12-04)


We need this pool. As an adult my options are limited.

Jenner Carter (Lilydale, 2023-12-05)


Closing Kilsyth Pool with have a significant impact on the community with the nearest indoor Yarra Ranges facility being a considerable drive from this location. Kilsyth Pool is utilised by many groups including older adults, people with a disability and numerous school aquatic programs. How are the other indoor centres going to be able to cope with the needs of all these groups, if indeed they can even access the other facilities at all!

Julie McDonald (Wandin North, 2023-12-05)


It just needs to be done, why should we the residents go without & suffer when it was not us that allowed it to run down into a state of disrepair.

John P (Kilsyth, 2023-12-05)


This is the only indoor pool near us.

Donna Gerhard (Wonga Park, 2023-12-06)


A pool is a great facility for many people within the shire of Yarra Ranges and for those who live close by, such as in Maroondah. The land is available and i believe should be utilized for the benefit of the community and an indoor aquatic centre would be used a great deal and continue to provide a home for the Lilydale Swimming Club.

Joy Emmett (Croydon, 2023-12-06)


Bring back the local pool, for all the residents of Kilsyth and Mooroolbark (the largest residential area of Yarra Ranges)

Steven Richards (Kilsyth, 2023-12-06)


Local who would love to see this space recreated and loved by all locals and families

Tiffany Nicholson (Melbourne , 2023-12-06)


I pay my Yarra Ranges rates and think it’s only fair to have our local and much loved pool back!

Kylie Waldron (Kilsyth, 2023-12-06)


Because we need a pool in the area and we need the council to start making decisions on the community needs and not money. How about they stop wasting money on themselves and put it to the community where it should be spent

Peter Vincent (Croydon, 2023-12-06)


This is the proper place to build better aquatic facilities for the area.

Joy Henderson (Mooroolbark, 2023-12-07)


We and our four sons used it for many years. We will continue to use it if it is upgraded as specified.

David Brown (CHIRNSIDE PARK, 2023-12-08)


We need a local pool!

Steven Colverd (Lilydale , 2023-12-10)


I'm signing because I live locally with a young family who would visit this pool almost daily if it was up to the little people in my life.

Lauren Collet (Kilsyth, 2023-12-10)


I live locally and all my children had swimming lessons there.
They all 5 worked as lifeguards there during time studying.

Melinda Ruddick (Kilsyth, 2023-12-11)


I want to see the pool rebuilt

Ken Sturt (Mooroolbark, 2023-12-11)


The cenenary pool is desparatyly needed for the area. The council has taken the easy option, what a cop out. To council, re-biuld the pool now, with state and federal funding it would not be that hard.

Greg Lipple (Chirnside Park, 2023-12-11)


the community needs this pool

Alan hunter (melbourne, 2023-12-13)


We need this pool.

Nicole Mclachlan (Mount Evelyn, 2023-12-13)


It was so close to home and easily accessible for my toddlers swimming lessons!

Jess Lyster (Mooroolbark , 2023-12-13)


There is a need for a ‘local’ swimming pool. I am not able to travel far for my regular exercise. It is so disappointing.

Kerry Ferroni (Mount Evelyn, 2023-12-13)


Many reasons. Kilsyth pool closer than Croydon. Existing infrastructure from which to make significant renovations rather than trash and totally rebuild which adds astronomical costs, or close and lose a significant community service.

Lois Harper (Lilydale Vic, 2023-12-14)


I have lived in Kilsyth for 48 years, and saw the enjoyment and benefits the original and later the “makeshift” covered pool brought to the area. There is no age demographic that would not benefit from a modern, updated facility

Valerie Kildea (Kilsyth, 2023-12-14)


Ridiculous decision by the public servants without any notice to the public.

Steve Dodd (Melbourne , 2023-12-15)


One thing I noticed when moving to Melbourne from Sydney is the number of drownings here. We need to teach our children to swim. Pools are essential and this pool taught my children to swim and as exercise, you can’t get better than swimming.

Ron Burton (Mooroolbark, 2023-12-15)


A much needed facility to be maintained in the local area.

Oliver Ventur (Kilsyth, Melbourne, 2023-12-24)


A pool is essential for the community

Elinor Whitaker (Bristol, 2023-12-24)


As a long term resident and now with children, I have grown up attending Kilsyth some swimming pool and would have loved to have construed this with my own children. So disappointing to lose this important and vital facility.

Donna Matthews (Kilsyth, Vic, 2023-12-25)


The local council should be reusing the pool rather than a stupid 10-year plan. Be smart with the money that we pay and do something for US.

Alisha Cox (Kilsyth , 2024-01-09)