Remove the word Sussex from the title of Harry and Megham Windsor



I do not want the Markles to use Royal Titles whilst slandering and bringing the Royal Family and Great Britain into disrepute.
They are no longer working for the benefit of this country, in fact, they are doing the complete opposite.

Sue Jones (Ascot , 2023-12-08)


Absolutely sick and tired of Harry and Megan. I’m tired of them trashing the monarchy. They must be stripped of their titles.

Robert Bradley (Cairns, 2023-12-08)


I'm sighing because they have to stop they ACTING LIKE THEY ARE SPOILT BRATS

Jane Burridge (Loughborough , 2023-12-10)


Megan has made a fool of the royal family. Embarrassing how she is. Was a stripper and gold digger

Gemma Small (Mk, 2023-12-10)


there's no reason she should have a title. harry will always be prince,but she's not worthy of any title.

steph g (austin, 2023-12-17)


Better strip those of their titles.
Meghan always wanted to be US president, but it could be made worse for the royal family causing huge damage reputation.

Suelg Leung (Surrey, 2023-12-18)


By the people for the people

Willem Noordman (Pretoria, 2024-01-01)


They are not representative of anything British least of all Sussex. They do not have any links to our county and are a disgrace.

Susanne Gillessen (Worthing, 2024-01-10)


Harry and Meghan have treated the late Queen, his family and the people of the UK disgracefully! He might be an officer, due to his privilege and pampering but he is no gentleman! Brought misery to his grandparents as they were dying! And his truth is delusional and been found to be inaccurate and plain wrong!

Steve Moore (Nottingham, 2024-01-12)


I am an octogenarian born and raised in Sussex who is extremely proud of my county. I find it extremely offensive for its name to be associated with these two wannabe parasites. They made their decision and left the UK and the sooner we remove their titles the better.

john kirkham (London, 2024-01-24)


I really believe the titles and the LOS of Harry and his family have to be taken away
They pay fans called the Sussex Sqaud to post very nasty evil racist filth all over social media. They threatened the lives of the Wales children encourage people to kill them. They call Catherine KKKate and call them natzis.
I have seen a video of Harry with the head of the Sussex Sqaud thanking them, he told them they are doing a great job and to keep it up he pays these people to post evil hate against his own brother and his children.
Harry and Meghan are very dangerous people they want to be King and Queen and if they don't get their wish they want to take down the Royal Family surely M16 must know all this, everybody all over the world can see what they have been doing since they left their RoyalFamily.
People in the public who defend the Royals have had death threats I know a lady who is in her 60s loved the Queen massive Royalist her life was threatened she was abused for 2 years she nearly took her own life, her name was Yankee Wally on YouTube it's not right what they get their fans to do. No Royal fan has ever wished harm on Harry most actually feel sad because everybody loved Harry and now we have seen the real Harry and how the Royal Family done a brilliant job in making him out to be a lovely happy good guy, as we all have seen he is actually evil.
I don't get along with my brother but I would never wish harm on him or pay people to attack him.
It's time the titles go, he is a danger to William and his family aswell as his father and Camilla surely they know what we the public know

Lada Sed (Sydney , 2024-01-26)


I strongly feel they do not confirm with the royal institution. They use the titles to promote themselves and to make money. They live in a foreign country by choice which has no need of titles. Using their titles here is for self promotion and status elevation.

Lynda Aubin (Derby, 2024-02-14)


Enough is enough! Using titles for commercial purposes.

Daryl Griffiths (Rhymney, 2024-02-14)


They are no longer senior working Royals and are using their titles and the Royal Crest for financial gain. Which Queen Elizabeth 11 banned them from using. Again Harry and Meghan are over shadowing the King and his illness, which is something they do all the time. Coming to see his father was more of a publicity stunt not concern for his father

Sandra Chiddy (Bristol , 2024-02-14)


Harry and Meghan have proven their hatred for Britain and their disdain of the Royal Family and the institution. They have never visited Sussex to meet people and never will. They are not working royals and do not deserve to be called Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Tezza Bradshaw (Golden Grove, 2024-02-14)


There 2 despicable commoners have not earned the right to carry the Royal name Sussex and should be stripped of it without any more delay!! They only want to make money from its use. Let them stay in the U.S. and get real jobs to keep.them!!

Jennifer Baker (London, 2024-02-17)


As a Sussex person I strongly object to lazy and venal Harry and Megan using the name Sussex. They have said that they want privacy - why then do they continue to use titles and insist that their ghastly offspring are titled? The people of Sussex do not want their beautiful county tainted by association with this ugly, selfish couple.

Rachel Daniels (Robertsbridge , 2024-02-17)


The abuse the titles!

Representing the Royal family, that they betrayed.

They have abused their titles for profit.
Against Royal protocol.

Jane Reynolds (Los Angeles, 2024-02-24)