Save wroxall primary school



Please do not close wroxall school. My children go to wroxall primary and they are so happy here. It's such an amazing liitle village school where all the children get on so well and they have so many friends. The teachers and all staff are superb. It will really upset myself my children amd all other parents and children who go to this school if it closes and will cause so much stress to many families and children. I have a child that struggles with change and I really feel that this will affect my child so much. Please keep the school open for all the children's sakes and staff and parents and think about how much it will affect our families...

Grace marlow (isle of wight, 2024-09-04)


I’m signing because my three children go to this school and have made loads of friends… there isn’t another school that I can get my children too on a bus. It’s an amazing school

Dayna Walker (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-04)


The school is the heart of the village, children are happy and the teachers are dedicated and provide a caring and nurturing atmosphere. My very shy grandson has flourished in the 3 years he has been there.
If closed, would this lovely modern building just fall into disrepair and vandalised?

Katherine Spanner (Wroxall, 2024-09-05)


I really really really don’t want to see this lovely school shut down. 😞 we moved to the island nearly
5yrs ago. My eldest at the time wasn’t enjoying being at Niton primary due to bullying and being forced to wear hand sanitizer which she has a major allergy to which led to medical care and time off school. Due to risks to her health and her developing anxiety I took her out and put her in St Francis, she was really happy with this and was looking forward to new beginnings, She held it out there for sometime but her personality was starting to diminish. She was upset with anxiety and not looking forward to going to school due to a particular member of staff being quite hostile with her and bullying coming back into play. My daughter is not religious and she didn’t enjoy being made to feel as though it was being forced down her neck. This again meant I had to put my child’s health and well being first and foremost and do what we felt was best. On this note we went into nearly two years of home education. This was working really well and my daughter again got her spark back, no signs of any further anxiety. After sometime she said she was starting to miss socialising with friends and having fun on a playground. So one day we drove past Wroxall and she asked if she could take a look. At random and out of the blue. Since then my little girl has never looked back. She absolutely loves this school. The staff and her friends. So
Much so her little sister is now very happy in year one! This is the only school on the island I have personally enjoyed getting to know that love and generally care for the wellbeing of their pupils. No I am not saying all schools on the island are terrible… I don’t know all the schools. All I know is what I have experienced and the smiles my children bring home. Wroxall Primary School is a really wonderful community loving school and I cannot imagine it being shut down, I completely refuse it. I have no public transport where I live. I rely solely on my car to get my girls to and from school, I refuse to have to go out of my way to get my girls into another school that they may not be happy to go into. I can’t tell
My eldest she has to go back to the schools that caused her anxiety? How unfair is that. I don’t want either of my children at either one of those schools and transporting them further across the island is out of the question, not only does it mentally affect my children. It will financially affect our costs of daily commute and especially if we have ridiculous durations of road closures. I’m also a full time carer for my mother and I’m the only driver in my household. Wroxall primary ticks all of the boxes for our day to day living. Mentally and physically. I firmly stand against the closure of this amazing school. My eldest only has two years left of primary and my youngest is in her first year as of yesterday! The proposal to close this school is not wanted.

Hazel Wood (St Lawrence, 2024-09-05)


Forcing people into religion is illegal. Wroxall is a non-religious school and offers necessary provision for all cultures. A £2million budget spent on a school to close will be called for scrutiny.

Alison Langdon (Wroxall, 2024-09-05)


My granddaughter goes to this school and her parents say that since changing schools, she has come along "in leaps and bounds".

Jon Woodhouse (Ryde, 2024-09-05)


My son attends wroxall primary, I took him out of the proposed school for him to go to if the closures happen due to poor management of the head, no communication teacher/parent, made my son feel inadequate! Wroxall turned it all around from day one and he’s flourished ever since, he’s happier, content and I happily pay the £70 to get him to a school further from our home due to it being an excellent school with members of staff who actually care for the children as well as their education! This will surely have a detrimental effect on so many children and families! I pay the £70 when the closest school is across the road from me, because the school already has enough of its own struggles with out adding extra! Bigger classes will make it harder to learn it’s been proven many times before! Change is of course needed but not like this and not to a school that’s already put so much money into it! My only options would be to home school if closed or send my son to the very school I pulled him from that made him feel inadequate and useless and totally misunderstood and that’s supposed to be improving the future of these kids? Setting some up to fail in an instant! Change what’s taught in uni for teacher training to change with the world and times not shut down a perfectly fine school! It’s our legal right as parents to make descision’s about our child’s education and that includes where they are taught!

Maria Sexton (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


My son goes to this school, and is thriving there after a period of extreme anxiety following the COVID lockdown period. The school is an asset to the village, and a move to an overcrowded school will negatively impact my child's mental health.

Amy Buffone (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


This is important centre of the community. Not everybody has a car or can afford to use public transport to take their children out of the area for schooling. This school is non religious so open and suitable for ALL children. The closure of the school will affect property values. May I suggest the council subsidise a school bus so more children from the surrounding villages can utilise this well run recently upgraded school.

Tina Richardson (Wroxall, 2024-09-05)


Because my nince goes to this school!
As well i am from the isle of wight but now live in Spain and every time i go back It makes me so sad , buildings everwhere on lands which once where Green land ( how can that be ) !! Awful rodas pot hole every where ! I really dont know what they do with the tax money ! Think the only reason they want to close theses schools IS to build more Houses on the land 😡

Michelle Witt (Ortigueira, 2024-09-05)


My daughter is in her last year of pre-school, she loves it here and I went here as a child! Best school, needs saving!

Charlotte Cooke (Niton, 2024-09-05)


I moved to the village for the provision of a village school .
And have been using the school for 17 years consecutively .
There is no other provision that is suitable for my family’s needs taking into account faith, transport and other family commitments.
My child will be at risk of isolation from secure friendships bonds already well embedded, and at risk of experiencing grief like emotions.

Helena Laws (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


Wroxall is the best school in the area

Bonnie Orchard (Isle of wight, 2024-09-05)


All 3 of my Children went to Wroxall preschool and then the school and now my Granddaughter attends there .
The village will be lost without the school
The impact on the children if the school closes will be significant

Josie Cooke (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


I live in Wroxall and the school is a major asset to the village community and the children thrive their in a happy and safe environment
Plus why spend £2 million refurbishing it to them close it?

Susan Hayles (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


I’m signing as I have two nieces who attend wroxhall primary school it’s a lovely school the staff offer great help and support for children and their families who attend the school, my nieces are more then happy there amongst all the other children who attend, as it’s states wroxhall primary school isn’t struggling financially so there is no reason for it to be closed down
Pleases keep wroxhall school open

Rachael Wood (Iow, 2024-09-05)


This is a fantastic school. Providing local children and their families with education and employment.

Amy Hobbs (Wroxall, 2024-09-05)


I was a pupil at Wroxall Primary School, I have friends and family that send their children there now and all the comments are so positive. This is such a great school with so much recent investment, why is this even being considered.

Gemma Orr (IOW, 2024-09-05)


I have family in Wroxall with a child currently in the school and I know what this school means to the community. Also why are they suggesting children from Godshill be driven past this school to a school even further away , this is not making sense !

Valerie Roberts (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


Wroxall is a wonderful village school, which has had huge investment over the last 5 years. Village schools teach children how to live in a community and support each other. More small schools would make the country a better place with people working together. The teachers at Wroxall are amazing.
The lack of a school would deter young families living in Wroxall. We shouldn't be pushing people into towns or into home schooling.

Sarah James (Shanklin, 2024-09-05)


This school is needed!

Tanya Smith (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


My daughter is settled and it's a good School.

Hayden Marsh (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


I'm signing this petition because my daughter attends this school and has been diagnosed with ASC. This will be her final year in primary school (2025/26) and would have a huge impact on her attaining desired grades. COVID had a massive impact on our family and now this would severely disrupt my daughter's schooling. I attended this school the year it opened and it is a huge part of Wroxall's community. Wroxall
Primary recently spent a lot of money on expanding the school so I think this is a ludicrous idea to close it! The school is an asset to the village!

Rachel Underwood (Ventnor, 2024-09-05)


Invest in a school that has had facilities investment and support a programme of robust advisor training and mentoring to raise educational achievement.

Philip Grantham. (Kettering, 2024-09-05)


I think that the primary school should remain open.

Scott Underwood (Wroxall, 2024-09-05)


Nephew attends the school and is very happy.

Becky Wilson (St. Helens Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


This is madness and people that are unable to drive how do they get out of village madness

Susan Baker (Brading, 2024-09-05)


We have just bought a house in the village and I am pregnant with our first child who we wished to attend Wroxall primary school.

Jessica Gatrell (Wroxall, Isle of Wight, 2024-09-05)


It would be a terrible waste of all that money thats recently been spent on the school.The school needs support , not to be shut down .

Jane Cooper (Kettering, 2024-09-05)


I have three children in the school. We own a local small business and cannot afford to travel further and close the shop earlier. The kids and the teachers have a wonderful bond.

Samantha Venables (Wroxall, 2024-09-05)


This is a fantastic place of learning and part of a village community

David Watts (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


I used to work at Wroxall Primary School & know what an asset it is to the community. The school has had so much money invested into it and it would be a great shame for a lovely village school to close for everyone involved.

Tania Price (Sandown, 2024-09-05)


Grandparent of future pupils of wroxall school. Grandson currently attends preschool robins.

David Wadmore (Newport, 2024-09-05)


My grandparents attended this school, my father attended this school, I attended this school as did my children and I want my grandchildren to be able to attend the local school in the village where they live.

Deborah Crouch (Newport, 2024-09-05)


My Granddaughter attended Wroxall and now lives with her fiancé in their own home near the school and she is expecting my first great grandchild who we want to attend Wroxall school.

Felicity Crouch (Shanklin, 2024-09-05)


I have 3 grandchildren just starting out who love the school.

Jane Howes (Cowes, 2024-09-05)


Taking the school out of the community is like taking the soul as well. We are an island with small villages but everyone just wants to build more homes which in turn destroys the community. There are very few jobs for the locals, so inevitably only people from the mainland are the only ones who can afford to buy them. So if you take the school away, then there's no centre of activity for the people who live there. This decision like many more are money orinated not fif the locals.

Robert Atkins (Ventnor, 2024-09-06)


My son went to this school. It would NOT be in the children's best interests to close this or any of the primary schools. Communities are already being destroyed with shops closing

Susan Mitchell (Newport, 2024-09-06)


I have lived in Wroxall my entire life, it has been front and centre of this village my entre life.
I went to this school and my kids now go to this school, it’s an excellent school that has a fantastic mix of modern features and still a few of the original features. It is fantastically run by excellent staff.
My children would really struggle going to another school which would really have an impact on their mental health which in turn would affect their education.

Trevor Heal (Isle of Wight, 2024-09-06)


We need more schools not less! Not only does future generations and current children suffer so do those that need work in education and maintenance. This council is destroying the community.

Melissa Bottomley (Wroxall, 2024-09-06)


A short sighted decision by people who do not understand the longer term education needs of the island

Martyn Smith (Wroxall, 2024-09-06)


I am a wroxall resident and I think it’s absolutely disgusting behaviour from the government

Thomas Hartnell (Wroxall, 2024-09-06)


The school plays vital role to the community. And all children, parents really love the school, the staff and the small size of it too! Please keep our school alive!

Fani Bahchevanska (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


My children go to Wroxall, it’s a fantastic school and the only viable option for families in the area. St Francis is not an acceptable option for a multitude of reasons, but primarily it’s impossible to safely get your kids there unless you live across the road!

Andrew Clemson (Wroxall, 2024-09-07)


The village needs a school,
1. more houses are being built in the area,
2. young children should not be expected to have to get on a bus to go to school,
3. Faith schools should not be the only option - this is discrimination
4. A large sum of money has been spent on improving the school building
5. Small village schools are more nurturing by design, less bullying and produce better results both academic and emotional
6. The long term impact has not been considered
7. No information about how these decisions are made have been released but the concern is this is just about numbers in class which is only 1 element and a holistic view should be taken
8. Disinvestment in village schools equals disinvestment in our children’s future

Maureen Smith (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


I have family that attend there

Chrissy Buffone (Bournemouth, 2024-09-07)


The school is so important to the village and has an excellent reputation. It is also very supported by the village residents. The building is in good condition.

Jane Bauldry (Ryde, 2024-09-07)


If the council close this school it will make families move away, no young families will move to the area, this will ruin the community spirit of Wroxall.

2 million pounds thrown down the drain with no proposal of use after closure.

Fantastic parking facilities for the children to get dropped off and being picked up. Many of the schools on the island lack this.
The danger to the children will be on the council if there is a serious incident due to children and parents trying to park, cross busy roads, pulling away in vehicles in tight spaces. (Wroxall has plenty of parking space)

The recommendation if closure is confirmed is St Francis school.
This will mean on that road you will have, St Francis, The Free School and Wroxall school parents all trying to park at the same time.

Another school may be Gods Hill and if you have witnessed the traffic in the morning and afternoon on School days you will see traffic is dangerous already, sending more traffic in that direction is incompetence at the highest order.

Andrew Newton (Shanklin, 2024-09-07)


My own children attended Wroxall Primary school, leaving both successfully and most importantly safe, happy and well equipped to transition into a much larger secondary school environment. The pastoral care and skills imbedded by all of the staff team at Wroxall Primary have supported both of my children to continue successfully within both their home and educational environments. This reflects the high level of quality teaching and learning and pastoral care that was implemented by all dedicated members of staff and volunteers.

I understand the high level of need for SEN provision and the negative factors that inefficient funding due to schools not being filled places on educational environments. However unlike the 5 other schools earmarked, there at this point in time appears to be no clear information surrounding the future or Wroxall Primary Schools building itself. To see such a dedicated and thriving school be lost to what may potentially not be used for educational purposes at all stands to effect all Wroxall village’s children and families in many highly negative forms.

Samantha McGregor (Isle Of Wight, 2024-09-07)


I am signing because I truly believe wroxall is one of the best primary schools we have, after having 3 years of hell at a previous school within the first week of being there we had a the start of a great relationship with the school, listened to education plans being began to put in place and referrals for adhd. The support we have had the last few years has been phenomenal and would absolutley hate to lose this and other families also miss out on the fantastic support they give, they really do try with each and every child

Vicky B (Ventnor, 2024-09-07)


Some of these children had massive disruption to their education and social development during lockdown. To further disrupt their education like this is disgraceful. There are also children that can not thrive or even function in a large school setting and their needs should be considered or these children and their futures will suffer. The massive investment of 2 million into the building should not be just wasted. This is a shocking decision with no thought behind it.

Faye Vincent (Wroxall, 2024-09-07)


I have 3 grandchildren who attend Wroxall Primary, they and all the other children deserve to keep their school. We should not even be in a position to listen to this ridiculous proposal and neither should all the other schools involved, including St Francis School, it affects them as well!!!

Jane Walker (Wroxall, 2024-09-07)


My Niece attends your school. She already finds certain things regarding school tricky and to have to start again somewhere new would be detrimental to her social and emotional development.

Jane Ward (Swanage, 2024-09-07)


My son went to Wroxall preschool and then the primary school. It’s been part of the work community for decades, I also attended this school as a child, as did my husband. It is a lovely little village school which has just benefited from a new refurb costing millions. Without the school there really will be no more sense of community in the village.

Natalie Simpkins (Isle Of Wight, 2024-09-07)


It is a lovely little school, performing well and has had a lot of money recently invested in to it. It's our future first choice school.

Lauren Hobbs (Isle of wight, 2024-09-07)


Wroxall primary is an amazing school.
This is devasting news for my SEN son and all the children 💙 🙏 😢

Michelle Thomas (Shanklin, 2024-09-08)