Return to the UK's Christian Constitution

We the undersigned petition His Majesty's Government to:

1 Return to the Christian constitution of the United Kingdom and seek the Lord and his wisdom.

2 Remember in humility that you are a government ruling under the authority of His Majesty, who himself was anointed by almighty God at his coronation and who bows the knee before Jesus Christ, the King of kings.

3 Begin the process of ending corruption in public life, dishonesty, unjust taxation, two-tier justice and interfering in the affairs of other nations;  repent of our national wickedness, repeal the unjust and unrighteous laws which have brought the wrath of God and his judgment on our land; and humbly pray the Lord will forgive our sin and heal our land.

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(NOTE: That this petition is our statement of what should be, irrespective of whether they want to hear it or not.) 

I agree Christian Voice may contact me to further the aims of this petition.

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