Request Management Office of Tuan 2 under CPI land to allow installation of Washing Machine at Balcony

The Management Office of Tuan 2
CPI Land

Subject: Request for Permission to Install Washing Machines on Balconies

Dear MO,

We, the undersigned residents of Tuan 2, respectfully submit this petition to request permission to install washing machines on our main balcony. We believe that allowing this installation will significantly enhance our living experience and address several practical concerns.

Reasons for the Request:

  1. Space Optimization:
    Many of us have limited space within our apartments. Installing washing machines on the balcony will free up valuable indoor space, making our homes more comfortable and functional.

  2. Convenience:
    Balconies provide a convenient location for washing machines, allowing for easier access and use. This setup can also help in reducing noise and vibration within the living areas.

  3. Improved Ventilation:
    Balconies offer better ventilation for washing machines, which can help in reducing moisture and humidity levels inside the apartments. This can prevent potential mold and mildew issues.

  4. Aesthetic Considerations:
    With proper guidelines and uniform installation standards, washing machines on balconies can be aesthetically pleasing and not detract from the overall appearance of the building.

Proposed Guidelines for Installation:

  • Safety Measures:
    Ensure that all installations comply with safety standards and are performed by certified professionals.

  • Uniformity:
    Establish guidelines for the placement and appearance of washing machines to maintain a uniform look across all balconies.

  • Noise Control:
    Implement measures to minimize noise and vibration, such as using anti-vibration pads and ensuring proper maintenance of the machines.

We kindly request the Management Office to consider our proposal and allow the installation of washing machines on balconies under the specified guidelines. We believe this change will greatly benefit the residents and enhance the overall living experience at Tuan 2.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to your positive response.

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