Please help us Save Oakfield C of E Primary School in Ryde

IMG_50102.jpegOakfield C of E Primary School is a vibrant and diverse school, serving hundreds of pupils in East Ryde, Appley, Elmfield and beyond. We have benefited from a beautiful new school building in recent years, a substantial investment and have a wonderful outdoor space overlooking the Solent. We are blessed with a fantastic teaching faculty and support team, with many members of staff having served the community for generations!

Today (4th September 2024) we were all blindsided with the news that the Local Authority has proposed our closure, leaving 235 children potentially displaced and disregarded as a result, not to mention a fantastic team of staffs' jobs in jeopardy.

Please sign our petition to save our beautiful school and ensure security for our community, whether it be pupils, staff or future pupils hoping to join siblings by attending Oakfield Primary.


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