Correcting Oak Harbor’s Mayor Salary Change

The mayors salary was incorrectly changed to $135k, the salary commission made this change in error.


The salary commission does not set policy, they can't say the mayor works full time so we will pay him that way. 

Their job is to make ADJUSTMENTS. 

If you look at the finding of facts from every salary adjustment the last few years you will see at number 9 it clearly states if the type of government changes or if the position of the mayor changes from part time to full time then the commission will meet within 30 days of that POLICY change. And then we have section three adjustments. Prior to December 31st of each year, the salary commission shall meet to determine whether the mayor and council member salaries will be adjusted using the bargaining unit and non represented cola as a guiding principle.


Every other commission/city council meeting has been broadcast live online. The salary commissions meeting was deliberately not put online to hide this change from the public until the 30 day window to protest the change was over. 


We demand that the salary commission admits their error and makes a motion to rescind the salary change and then start the process over. 

If not they should resign or can be removed for incompetence as the law allows.IMG_1024.jpegIMG_0971.jpegIMG_0939.jpeg



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